4 Fun in 1

Arcade 1981 Armenia / Food and Fun Multiplay
This multi-game system lets you select from four different games; "Galactic Convoy", "Scramble Pt2", "Galaxian Pt5" and "The Ghost Muncher Pt3".
4 Fun in 1

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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Orientation Tate
  • Résolution 255 x 224
  • Fréquence 60.606061 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 2
  • Nombre de boutons 1
  • Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)

Screenshots de 4 Fun in 1

4 Fun in 1 - Screen 1
4 Fun in 1 - Screen 2
4 Fun in 1 - Screen 3
4 Fun in 1 - Screen 4
4 Fun in 1 - Screen 5

Si vous avez aimé 4 Fun in 1

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Scoring de 4 Fun in 1

* Galactic Convoy :
Field items : 40, 30, 20 points (in order)
Bomb : 900 point
Convoy : 100 points per segment
Saucer : 600 points
Field Crosser : 5,000 points
Item Layer : Mystery

* Scramble Pt 2 :
10 points per second of flying.
Missile on ground : 50 points
Missile in air : 80 points
UFO : 100 points
Fuel Tank : 150 points
Mystery Base : 100, 200, or 300 points
Main Base : 800 points

* Galaxian Pt 5 :
Red Ship in formation : 30
Red Ship attacking: 60
Purple Ship in formation : 40
Purple Ship attacking : 80
Blue Ship in formation : 50
Blue Ship attacking : 100
Flagship in formation : 60 points
Flagship attacking with no escorts : 150 points
Flagship attacking with one escort, flagship killed before escort : 150 points
Flagship attacking with one escort, flagship killed after escort : 200 points
Flagship attacking with two escorts, flagship killed before BOTH escorts : 300 points
Flagship attacking with two escorts, flagship killed AFTER both escorts : 800 points

* The Ghost Muncher Pt 3 :
Dot : 10 points
Power pill (energizer) : 50 points
Ghosts : 200, 400, 800, 1600 points
Cherry : 100 points.
Strawberry : 300 points.
Peach : 500 points.
Apple : 700 points.
Pineapple : 1000 points.
Galaxian : 2000 points.
Bell : 3000 points.
Key : 5000 points.

4 Fun in 1 et M.A.M.E.

0.61 [David Haywood]

* Hook up explosion noise sound

- Insert Coin and push fire to select Galactic Convoy, Scramble, Galaxian or Ghost Muncher and press Start.

- 0.63: Fixed gfx1 rom loading.
- 0.61: David Haywood added 4 Fun in 1 (Armenia / Food and Fun 1981).
- 28th June 2002: Stephane Humbert fixed the inputs and dipswitch settings in the 4 Fun in 1 driver.
- 27th June 2002: David Haywood cleaned up and re-submitted the 4 Fun in 1 bootleg of various games to the Galaxian driver.
- 18th March 2000: Malcor dumped 4 Fun In One System by ARMENIA LTD (1981).

LEVELS: 1 (Scramble pt2)

Other Emulators:
* FB Alpha

Romset: 93 kb / 25 files / 68.0 zip
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