Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label (2007/12/11 BLACK LABEL VER)
A vertically shooting game, where players get a choice of characters. Each craft has a different ratio of speed to firepower.
The main characters in this version are 'Hiro', 'Kiniro', 'Palm' and 'Reco'.
The main characters in this version are 'Hiro', 'Kiniro', 'Palm' and 'Reco'.
Télécharger Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label (2007/12/11 BLACK LABEL VER)
Contents of the ROM :
- maincpu SH-3 (@ 102 Mhz)
- Yamaha YMZ770 (@ 16 Mhz)
- Orientation Tate
- Resolution 255 x 240
- Frequency 60 Hz
- Number of players 2
- Number of buttons 4
- Kind of controler joy (8 ways)
Videos of Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label (2007/12/11 BLACK LABEL VER)
[1CC] MushihimeSama Futari - Black Label - Original
LA GLOBULE - 15 view(s)
Le jeu est facile, le score est pitoyable (j'ai joué contre le rank), de nombreuses fautes, mais cela fait du bien de voir qu'avec la trentaine passée et un peu d'entrainement, et bien on arrive encore à finir un jeu :)
On va essayer de sortir un score potable pour le prochain replay :)
PS : la vitesse des boulettes sur le boss 3 me parait démesurée sur MAME comparée à ce que je peux voir sur le net : les ralentissements seraient ils mal gérés ?
MushihimeSama Futari - Black Label - Original - Last Boss
LA GLOBULE - 6 view(s)
J'ai effleuré le 1CC du bout des doigts :)
Tant pis, ce sera pour la prochaine :)
(on oublie le scoring pitoyable :p)
MushihimeSama Futari - Black Label - Original
LA GLOBULE - 3 view(s)
Une partie "découverte" du jeu, complètement "free style".
Je n'avais jamais secoué le stick au delà du stage 2 avant cette partie.
Le jeu semble avoir une phase de progression intéressante.
C'est joli, bruitages sympa :) Bref, je pense passer du temps sur ce jeu.
Ils sont chiants chez cave n’empêche. Avec leur marketing, ils arrivent à nous vendre du danmaku à la pelle et on en redemande :/
Mushihimesama Futari Black Label - Maniac Reco 14bill
jammaplay - 6 view(s)
Mushihimesama Futari Black Label - Maniac Reco 14bill
Mushihimesama Futari Black Label - Maniac Palm 13bill
jammaplay - 7 view(s)
Mushihimesama Futari Black Label - Maniac Palm 13bill
by SIN

Clones of Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label (2007/12/11 BLACK LABEL VER)
Mushihime-Sama Futari Black Label (2007/12/11 BLACK LABEL VER) and M.A.M.E.
0.143u6 [?]
0.142u3 [?]
- 0.144: This game was removed from MAME.
- 0.143u9: Changed parent and clones description to 'Mushihime-Sama Futari'.
- 0.143u7: Added clone Mushihime Sama Futari Black Label (2007/12/11 BLACK LABEL VER).
- 0.143u6: Added 'Mushihime Sama Futari Ver 1.5 (2006/12/8.MASTER VER. 1.54.)'. Renamed (futari15) to (futari15a).
- 0.143u2: Changed description to 'Mushihime Sama Futari Ver 1.5 (2006/12/8 MASTER VER 1.54)' and clone to '(2006/10/23 MASTER VER.)'.
- 0.142u5: Added clone Mushihime Sama Futari Ver 1.0.
- 0.142u3: Added 'Mushihime Sama Futari Ver 1.5 (2006/12/8 Master Ver 1.54)' (Cave 2006).
- 10th May 2011: MetalliC - Demul WIP: After few weeks of hard reverse engineering we finally got fully working Yamaha AMM codec, so Cave CV1000 games emulated now with sound and music - Deathsmiles (Cave 2007) and Mushihime-sama Futari (Cave 2006).
Romset: 145408 kb / 4 files / 47.5 zip
0.142u3 [?]
- 0.144: This game was removed from MAME.
- 0.143u9: Changed parent and clones description to 'Mushihime-Sama Futari'.
- 0.143u7: Added clone Mushihime Sama Futari Black Label (2007/12/11 BLACK LABEL VER).
- 0.143u6: Added 'Mushihime Sama Futari Ver 1.5 (2006/12/8.MASTER VER. 1.54.)'. Renamed (futari15) to (futari15a).
- 0.143u2: Changed description to 'Mushihime Sama Futari Ver 1.5 (2006/12/8 MASTER VER 1.54)' and clone to '(2006/10/23 MASTER VER.)'.
- 0.142u5: Added clone Mushihime Sama Futari Ver 1.0.
- 0.142u3: Added 'Mushihime Sama Futari Ver 1.5 (2006/12/8 Master Ver 1.54)' (Cave 2006).
- 10th May 2011: MetalliC - Demul WIP: After few weeks of hard reverse engineering we finally got fully working Yamaha AMM codec, so Cave CV1000 games emulated now with sound and music - Deathsmiles (Cave 2007) and Mushihime-sama Futari (Cave 2006).
Romset: 145408 kb / 4 files / 47.5 zip