Future Spy (315-5061)

Arcade 1984 Sega Shooter Flying Diagonal
You fly an F-15 around various obstacles including missiles, airplanes, helicopters, cities, destroyers, carriers, submarines, tanks, etc. while shooting or firing missiles at them.
Future Spy (315-5061)

Partager Future Spy (315-5061)


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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Orientation Tate
  • Résolution 255 x 224
  • Fréquence 59.999408 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 2
  • Nombre de boutons 2
  • Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)

Screenshots de Future Spy (315-5061)

Future Spy (315-5061) - Screen 1
Future Spy (315-5061) - Screen 2
Future Spy (315-5061) - Screen 3
Future Spy (315-5061) - Screen 4
Future Spy (315-5061) - Screen 5

Future Spy (315-5061) et M.A.M.E.

0.34b1 [Nicola Salmoria]
0.30 [Nicola Salmoria]

Samples required (Zaxxon)

- Use F2 to enter test mode, then 1 to advance from one test to the following.

- 0.143u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to Future Spy.
- 0.132u4: Kevin Eshbach documented the SEGA CPU part number for Future Spy. Changed description to 'Future Spy (315-5061)'.
- 0.119u4: Mike Green fixed reversed up/down control in Future Spy.
- 0.107u2: Rewrote Zaxxon driver from the schematics [Aaron Giles]: This is still a WIP (not finished yet). Fixed clock speeds and video timing. Complete memory maps. Simplified video code and merged common cases together. Palette derived from resistor weights. Background positioning still a little off. Removed flags dispose from region gfx4. Changed VSync to 59.999409 Hz.
- 0.76u1: Changed Z80 CPU clock speed to 3041250 Hz.
- 0.59: Removed 3rd coin slot.
- 0.36b11: Added Zaxxon samples.
- 0.34b8: Dave W. added high score saving to Future Spy.
- 0.34b1: Nicola Salmoria added Future Spy. Added color proms ($0, 100 - palette and char lookup table).
- 0.33b7: Moved Future Spy to (Testdriver).
- 0.30: Nicola Salmoria added Future Spy (Sega 1984), not working due to code encryption.
- 26th April 1996: Dumped Future Spy-

LEVELS: 9 (endless)

Other Emulators:

Romset: 129 kb / 17 files / 46.4 zip
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