
Arcade 1986 Kaneko / Taito Sports Pool
Strange pool-type game in a futuristic environment.

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Contenu de la ROM :


  • maincpu Z80 (@ 6 Mhz)
  • AY-3-8910A (@ 1 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 224
  • Fréquence 60 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 2
  • Nombre de boutons 2
  • Type de contrôle
    1. pedal
    2. pedal

Screenshots de Prebillian

Prebillian - Screen 1
Prebillian - Screen 2
Prebillian - Screen 3
Prebillian - Screen 4
Prebillian - Screen 5

Si vous avez aimé Prebillian

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Prebillian et M.A.M.E.

0.68 [Tomasz Slanina]

- 0.143u4: Added pedal input and changed buttons from 3 to 2.
- 0.141u3: hap fixed samples played incorrectly in Prebillian
- 27th June 2010: Guru - A lot of chips for the The Decapping Project came from non-working boards so it's no surprise to see some failures. The 68705P5 MCU (7.7K) for Prebillian was electrically dead for no reason and can't be dumped. That means we'll need to try to get hold of another PCB at some point in the future.
- 0.93: Changed Custom sound to Samples.
- 0.90: Nicola Salmoria fixed Prebillian MCU simulation, inputs and Prebillian/Hot Smash sample playback - Game now playable. Changed cpu1 rom address to $14000.
- 0.68: Tomasz Slanina added Prebillian (Taito 1986).
- 6th March 2003: Tomasz Slanina sent in a driver for Prebillian and Hot Smash, but Hot Smash is not playable due to protection.
- 21st February 2003: Guru - Prebillian (Taito 1986) arrived. Special thanks to Gin (our Japanese contact) for making it all happen again. The dumping project wishes to thank all the people who donated towards this particular raid, including Gin, slaanesh, gnoppi, Louis T., wtc4ever, Renaud D., phys32, R. Belmont, fiji, Amnios and an anonymous donator.
- 15th May 2001: Guru - Purchased Prebillian from a PCB shop in Japan with the help of Team Japump in February.
- 8th February 2001: Noel Miruru from Team Japump dumped Prebillian (c)1986 Kaneko/Taito, same board as VS. Hot Smash.

Romset: 176 kb / 6 files / 58.9 zip
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