Jackal (World)

Arcade 1986 Konami Shooter Driving Vertical
1 or 2 players operate a jeep and must battle their way through a huge, vertically scrolling battlefield. Their mission is to save PoWs and deliver them to the nearest helicopter pad so they can be flown to safety. The hostages are trapped in enemy buildings and PoW camps, which must be destroyed in order to release the prisoners. The jeep can only carry up to a maximum of eight PoWs, the current amount being carried is displayed in the upper left-hand corner of the screen.

The jeep is armed with a machine gun and a grenade thrower, the latter of which can be powered-up into a missile launcher. As well as huge numbers of enemy troops and static gun emplacements, the players must also contend with enemy jeeps, tanks, boats, submarines and planes. The final part of the game takes place in the enemy stronghold and the game ends when the final enemy gun emplacements are destroyed.
Jackal (World)

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  • master M6809 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • slave M6809 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • YM2151 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Orientation Tate
  • Résolution 240 x 224
  • Fréquence 60 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 2
  • Nombre de boutons 2
  • Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)

Screenshots de Jackal (World)

Jackal (World) - Screen 1
Jackal (World) - Screen 2
Jackal (World) - Screen 3
Jackal (World) - Screen 4
Jackal (World) - Screen 5

Les clones de Jackal (World)

Scoring de Jackal (World)

Scoring in this game is pretty complicated due to the fact that there are a lot of things you can get points for.
BOMBER : 2000 Points
ENEMY SOLDIER : 100 Points
HELICOPTER : 2000 Points
MISSILE : 400 Points
GUN BOATS : 800 Points

You also get points for saving POW's and dropping them off at the airfields. The scoring goes like this for POW's; for POW's you liberate from the huts :
First : 100 points
Second : 200 points
Third : 400 points
Fourth : 1000 points
Fifth : 2000 points
Sixth : 3000 points
Seventh : 5000 points
Eighth : 10000 points

You get 10,000 points for every POW rescued after the eighth one. If your jeep gets destroyed, the progression starts over again.

For POW's you drop off at the airstrip, the progression works the same as for liberated POW's. The difference is that if you move away from the airstrip, the progression starts over at 100 points again. If you manage to offload all 8 POW's without breaking away from the airstrip or getting destroyed, each POW
liberated after that is worth 10,000 points.

Tips sur Jackal (World)

The name of the game is POWERUPS. Your success in this game will depend solely on your ability to obtain and KEEP powerups. Your jeep is equipped with two weapons : a machine gun (always shoots up in TG) and a rocket type weapon that shoots the direction you are facing and can be 'boosted' in various ways and usually in steps or levels of powerup. The default level is short range rocket, which Will stop and destroy many buildings and all vehicles.

Here are the levels of powerup you can obtain for your rocket weapon :
1) Short Range Rocket (default) - shoots a short range rocket.
2) Long Range Rocket - shoots a long range rocket (almost the entire length of the screen).
3) Horizontal Exploding Rocket - same as above but the rocket explodes in two directions horizontally, taking out anything the shrapnel hits.
4) Diagonal Exploding Rocket - same as above but the rocket explodes in 4 directions diagonally, taking out anything the shrapnel hits.

There are a couple of ways of boosting your rocket weapon. The assumed way is to blow up the special bunkers that have a single gun turret and a single POW - picking up the POW will give you a nice points bonus as well as a POWERUP to the next level of rocket weapon. These bunkers are available every so often - but you will need a little something extra to get further in the game. You need to get full powerup quickly - and this is how you do it. A diversion in the game (not required to actually finish it) is to shoot open bunkers and pick up POWs - this is above and beyond the single POW bunkers you can snag guys from. Your jeep can handle a total of 8 POWs. First trick

Jackal (World) et M.A.M.E.

0.33b7 [Kenneth Lin]

- Coin counters don't work correctly. Source (ID 02555)
- Sound CPU clock is overclocked to avoid a communication problem. Source (ID 02556)

- 3rd May 2010: f205v dumped Jackal (bootleg) (1987).
- 0.135u3: Fabio Priuli added driver data struct to Jackal.
- 0.130u4: Derrick Renaud converted Top Gunner (bootleg) use IPT_POSITIONAL.
- 0.127u3: Nicola Salmoria fixed wrong enemy tank colors in Jackal.
- 0.125u5: Jackal driver improvements [Nicola Salmoria]: Fixed palette animation (very subtle!). Verified on the schematics and on the PCB that the high score table text cannot change color. Removed the IMPERFECT_GRAPHICS flag. Fixed music stops after you get in the jeep with a kludge (overclock sound CPU). Added DIP locations and sorted input ports. Added 2x 'Unused' dipswitch.
- 0.123u1: Zsolt Vasvari removed color tables from Jackal. Added RESNET color computations where appropriate. Changed palettesize to 4608 colors.
- 0.122u5: Corrado Tomaselli changed/verified frequencies in Jackal. Changed M6809 CPU1/2 clock speeds to 1536000 Hz and YM2151 to 3579545 Hz.
- 28th July 2006: Guru - Top Gunner (Konami 1986) and other games just arrived in 2 huge boxes. I think most of these are just for fixing issues in MAME (snd/gfx etc). Big thanks to Tingoes.
- 0.89u4: Cleanup of Jackal driver [Curt Coder].
- 0.79u1: Curt Coder converted Jackal to tilemaps. Added dipswitches 'Sound Adjustment' and 'Sound Mode'.
- 0.37b15: Fixed gfx1 rom loading. Changed input from dial to 8-way Joystick. Removed 3rd player and 3rd coin slot.
- 0.36b13: Added proms ($0, 100 - color lookup tables).
- 22nd December 1999: Nicola Salmoria fixed some graphics problems in Jackal.
- 0.36b8: Added clone Tokushu Butai Jackal (Japan). Changed parent description to 'Jackal (World)' and clone 'Top Gunner' to 'Top Gunner (US)'. Added the gfx1 roms from Tokushu Butai Jackal (Japan). Note: topgunbl allows to rotate the gun turret with a rotary switch. This feature is not available in the original sets. In jackalj, the gun faces the direction you are moving. In the others, it always faces up.
- 0.36b7: Fixed gfx1 roms.
- 26th September 1999: Nicola fixed Jackal character roms.
- 0.35RC2: Karl Stenerud added rotary control support to clone Top Gunner. This works in topgunbl *only* - the gun turret cannot be rotated in jackal and topgunr, those games don't support the rotary joystick.
- 0.34b6: Known issues: Sprites are not in sync with the scroll. After game over, the first main logo screen is one line out of sync after the scrolling is completed. Changed 8-way Joystick to Dial and added 3rd player input.
- 0.34b5: Nicola Salmoria added clone Top Gunner (bootleg). Note: topgunbl allows to rotate the gun turret with a rotary switch. This feature is not available in the two original sets. Nicola Salmoria also fixed the original set (rom tgnr15d.bin). Known issues: The Jackal gfx ROMs have some bad bits (look at the '0', for example). One of the bootleg Top Gunner gfx ROMs seems to be bad as well.
- 0.33b7: Kenneth Lin added Jackal (Konami 1986) and clone Top Gunner. Known issues: The high score table colors are probably not correct (all lines are white). Sprites disappear at the border of thse screen and are not in sync with the scroll. At the beginning of a game, part of the screen remains black. Top Gunner doesn't work, ROM 16D doesn't pass the self test.
- 21st June 1998: Dumped Top Gunner (US).
- 24th March 1998: CaBBe dumped Jackal (World).

ARCADE RELEASE: Tokusyu Butai Jackal (Konami) - 1986/Oct/15


Romset: 625 kb / 9 files / 214.8 zip
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