Elevator Action (bootleg)

Arcade 1983 bootleg Platform Shooter
Agent 17 (code name 'Otto') is to secure the top secret documents from the security building. The enemy spies are in pursuit and their orders are to stop him at any cost. Having made it to the top of a 30 story building, Agent 17 has to make his way down to the basement to get to the getaway car and save the documents. Enemy spies are everywhere and the documents are hidden behind the red doors (bonus points awarded). He has to open the door and keep moving. If either of them shoots the lights out there will be a temporary blackout. If Otto finds himself on top of the elevator the player will not be able to control the elevator. If he gets caught in the elevator he is a sitting duck and cannot duck the bullets. By using the escalator he can reach the basement quicker. Otto can defeat his enemy by jump kicking or firing at them. Help Otto to grab all the documents and escape the spies.
Elevator Action (bootleg)

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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • audiocpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • AY-3-8910A (@ 1 Mhz)
  • AY-3-8910A (@ 1 Mhz)
  • AY-3-8910A (@ 1 Mhz)
  • AY-3-8910A (@ 1 Mhz)
  • DAC
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 224
  • Fréquence 60 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 2
  • Nombre de boutons 2
  • Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)

Screenshots de Elevator Action (bootleg)

Elevator Action (bootleg) - Screen 1
Elevator Action (bootleg) - Screen 2
Elevator Action (bootleg) - Screen 3
Elevator Action (bootleg) - Screen 4
Elevator Action (bootleg) - Screen 5

Les clones de Elevator Action (bootleg)

Scoring de Elevator Action (bootleg)

Shooting an enemy agent : 100 points
Jumping on an enemy agent : 150 points
Dropping a light on an enemy agent : 300 points
Getting a secret document : 500 points

The bonus is 1000 points x the level you are on. After 10th level, you will get 10000 points per level completed.

Tips sur Elevator Action (bootleg)

* When you start the game, a quick animation will show a hook with a line connecting to the top of the elevator. Then your character will slide down the line to the roof. Then he will enter the building, in the elevator, at the 30th floor. It is now up to you to get all the secrets and make it to your car. The first thing you must know, obviously, is how to eliminate the enemy agents that are after you. There are a few ways you can do this :
1) Just shoot them. Of course, especially in the later levels, enemy agents make themselves an impossible target by lying down. You can only take them out by riding an elevator down.
2) Jumping on them will take care of them. In addition, you may avoid some of their fire.
3) On the non-dark floors, shoot the light down on top of an enemy agent. You must do this from the elevator. This also has the added effect of causing temporary darkness in the building, making enemy agents harder to see.
4) Crush an enemy agent using the elevator. This is hard to do since they move around. You may get lucky, however, and get one under or on top of the elevator you are on.
5) This way is pretty hard. You might be able to get an enemy agent to follow you and fall down the hole created by the missing elevator.

* You must know how to use the escalators and open the red doors :
1) To use the escalators, just stand on the little rectangle. Then push the joystick UP or DOWN depending on which direction you need the escalator to take you.
2) To open the red doors, stand on the little rectangle. Face the doorknob and press RIGHT on the joystick.

* You have full control over any elevator you enter. This means you can move UP and DOWN on a dime to keep your character safe. This works until the alarm goes off.

* Speaking of elevators, your character cannot duck while in an elevator. Also, while riding the escalators, your character cannot duck, jump, or fire his weapon.

* Also on elevators, you do not have control when you are riding on top of them. This means you are at the mercy of the elevator or the enemy agent controlling it. Be very careful if you ride on top of the elevator. You also cannot go past the bar on the top of the elevator.

* Enemy agents usually come out of the doors on the current floor or the floor above and below. A lot of times it is good to lay a wall of fire down a hallway. This way, you can pick off any enemy agents that happen to come out of one of the doors.

* When you enter through one of the red doors, the enemy agents will lose track of your character but will have a general idea of where your character is. When you exit the room, crouch and lay down fire both left and right to clear off the floor.

* As the levels progress, the enemy agents get better at their tactics. They start to crouch more to mess up your fire. They also may lay down which makes it impossible to hit them unless you are on an elevator and can shoot along the floor.

* As you move up in levels, there will be red doors in odd areas. Areas such as on the lower five floors where only elevators can take you across. Of course, if you get good with the jump button, you can jump those gaps to get to either side quicker. The downside is that enemy agents will usually flood the area and lay down a lot of fire.

* If you happen to get to the B1 floor and you have forgotten to get a red door, the game will automatically put your agent at the door you missed. If it is multiple doors, then you will be placed at the highest floor first.

* There is an internal time limit on how long you can take to get everything out of the building. If you take too much time, an alarm sounds and the following things occur :
a) Although you still have control over the elevators, it is much harder to get them to respond to your commands. If you are in a tight situation that requires a little bit of time, don't wait till the last minute or you may be an ex-agent.
b) The enemy agents move much quicker and their shots move faster. Plus, additional enemy agents will start appearing to really make your life miserable.
c) If your character happens to die, the next man will still be facing the same alarm situation. The only way to resolve the situation is to get all of the secrets and make it out of the building.

* Watch out for the double elevator. If you are in the top car, it will stop two floors short of the bottom since there is a one floor gap, and the bottom car. Try to always get into the bottom car of a double elevator so that you can make a hasty exit and not be trapped with enemy agents firing on you.

Elevator Action (bootleg) et M.A.M.E.

0.18 [Nicola Salmoria]

Artwork available

- 0.138: hap and MASH fixed Elevator Action (some graphics on the escalators shift when you ride on them).
- 0.133u1: Renamed (elevatob) to (elevatorb).
- 0.128u4: David Haywood fixed Elevator Action, which freezes after coin insert with "8".
- 0.126u4: Guru added README for Elevator Action.
- 0.122u6: Changed M68705 CPU3 clock speed to 3MHz.
- 29th December 2007: Guru - Elevator Action... this is a strange one, the dumped matches the 'elevatob' set in MAME, but this is definitely an original PCB, so I suspect the existing dump is really from an original PCB (4-board unprotected version) and the bootleg set is the same thing exactly.
- 21st December 2007: Guru - A huge box arrived today. That 19.75kg box looks mighty impressive, although I'm not sure that all of it is going to be useful. Some could be alt. versions but most don't work so I'll need to dump all of these before I can tell exactly what they are. It contains Elevator Action (Taito 1982, original SJ hardware without MCU!) and others. Thanks to Tingoes for sending these out.
- 12th November 2006: Mr. Do - Elevator Action artwork has been "optimized" by Ad_Enuff; much smaller file size (up to 80%) with no loss in quality.
- 3rd September 2006: Mr. Do - Ad_Enuff optimized Elevator Action bezel. File sizes are now half of what they were (with no loss in quality).
- 0.96u2: Nicola Salmoria fixed several sprite priority issues in Elevator Action and the car wrapping around at the end of a level. Added sprite clipping at the sides of the screen. This was verified to happen on the real board, and it affects bullets wrapping around in Elevator Action. I'm only 99% sure that the clipping is correct this way.
- 0.84u6: Changed 4-way Joystick to 8-way.
- 0.61: Stephane Humbert fixed "Bonus Life" dipswitch is wrong in Elevator Action.
- 22nd November 1999: Tatsuyuki Satoh fixed a cpu interleaving problem in Elevator Action.
- 0.36b1: Added layer prom eb16.22.
- 0.35: Added new MCU cpu3 rom (2k).
- 0.35b6: Replaced M6805 CPU3 with M68705.
- 0.35b3: Changed M6805 CPU3 clock speed to 1.5MHz.
- 0.34b1: The original Elevator Action now works, using the 68705 MCU rom which was missing. Since there is one additional CPU to emulate, it is slower than the bootleg version [Nicola Salmoria]. Added M6805 (3MHz) CPU3.
- 0.33b6: Nicola Salmoria removed the partially working protection emulation in Elevator Action, so people will hopefully understand that it doesn't work and use the bootleg instead.
- 0.30: Known issues: Some sprite priority problems (people half disappearing behind doors etc.).
- 0.29: The hardware of the Taito games (Elevator Action, Jungle King, Wild Western, Front Line) is emulated more faithfully. Playfield priority is accurate in Jungle King, however this broke Wild Western - strange. Front Line works. Merged all the drivers into Taito driver [Nicola Salmoria].
- 0.28: Mike Balfour added high score saving to Elevator Action.
- 0.27: Elevator Action sound is perfect now. Elevator Action, Jungle King and Wild Western now use the same Taito video hardware driver. Known issues: The original version doesn't work consistently due to the copy protection. Use the bootleg version instead.
- 0.26: Tatsuyuki Satoh fixed sound tempo speed in Elevator Action (tempo speed is 37.5Khz).
- 0.25: Nicola did some fixes to Taito Games (Jungle King and Elevator Action) about background placement and coins per credit dipswitch. Plus vertical scroll support in Jungle King (used in ground shake), correct sprite priority, and no more rubbish is present during change of stage. DELETE ELEVATOB\ELEVATOB.DSW, JUNGLEK\JUNGLEK.DSW, JHUNT\JHUNT.DSW, OTHERWISE THE GAME WILL NOT WORK CORRECTLY.
- 0.22: Added preliminary sound support to Elevator Action. Fixed credit bugs in Elevator Action. REMEMBER TO DELETE THE PREVIOUS .DSW FILES OTHERWISE THE GAMES WON'T WORK PROPERLY! Added audio CPU roms ic70/71 and gfx roms ic4/5.
- 0.21.5: Nicola Salmoria fixed colors in Elevator Action (100% correct colors).
- 0.21: Fixed dipswitch DSW3 in Elevator Action. Control: Arrows = Move around, CTRL = Fire1 and ALT = Fire2. YOU'LL HAVE TO DELETE THE PREVIOUS DSW FILE IN "ELEVATOB" DIRECTORY IN ORDER TO GET IT RUN CORRECTLY.
- 0.20: Nicola Salmoria fixed missing sprites when exiting from doors in Elevator Action. There are still some sprite priority bugs. Also better colors.
- 0.19: Added Elevator Action (bootleg). The original version doesn't work because of copy protection. The graphics are almost OK now, albeit quite slow. Nicola Salmoria found how Elevator Action background works. Also updated all drivers that have a scrolling background. Known issues: Collision detect not yet implemented. Game should run on hardware similar to Jungle King. Set the dip switches to free play to play the game. Added background graphics roms to parent set.
- 0.18: Nicola Salmoria added Elevator Action (Taito 1983). VERY preliminary and not playable. Runs on the same hardware as Jungle King.

- Agent 17 code name "OTTO" is to secure top secret documents from the security building. Enemy spys are in pursuit, and their orders are to stop him at any cost. After reaching the tip of a 30 story building, Agent 17 has to make his way down to the basement and the awaiting getaway car. Otto is relyinmg on your skills so GOOD Luck!

- The object of the game is to make it through the building, get secret documents, & get to an awaiting getaway car. You can use the jump kick button to dodge bullets and kick bad guys. Use the fire button to stop enemy agents. Go in the red doors for surprise bonus points. You must go through all red doors to get the top secret documents, or you can't escape.


Romset: 75 kb / 20 files / 36.6 zip
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