Berzerk (German Speech)

Arcade 1980 Stern Electronics Maze Shooter Small
The player controls the 'Humanoid' (colored green for player 1 and purple for player 2) and must negotiate a number of robot-filled rooms; each with up to as many as eleven, laser-firing enemy robots. The Humanoid can be killed either by a single shot from a robot, by running into a robot, by running into a wall of the maze, or by being touched by the player's nemesis, 'Evil Otto'.

To advance through the game, players must fight their way through each room to an opening at one of the far walls. Each robot destroyed is worth 50 points and while it's possible to progress without killing every robot in each room; destroying all of them will earn the player a per-maze bonus (worth ten points per robot). The game has an impressive 64,000 mazes, with each level designed to be more difficult than the last.
Berzerk (German Speech)

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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 2 Mhz)
  • S14001A
  • Exidy SFX
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 224
  • Frequency 59.637405 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 1
  • Kind of controler joy (8 ways)

Berzerk (German Speech) Screenshots

Berzerk (German Speech) - Screen 1
Berzerk (German Speech) - Screen 2
Berzerk (German Speech) - Screen 3
Berzerk (German Speech) - Screen 4
Berzerk (German Speech) - Screen 5

Clones of Berzerk (German Speech)

Scoring for Berzerk (German Speech)

You get 50 points per robot destroyed. It doesn't matter whether you destroy them or they get destroyed some other way.

You get a bonus of 10 times the number of robots in a maze if you clear it For example, if you destroyed all 7 robots in a maze, then your bonus would be 10 X 7 or 70 points.

Tips on Berzerk (German Speech)

* Here is how the rounds progress in the revised version :

Berzerk (German Speech) and M.A.M.E.

0.29 [Zsolt Vasvari, Christopher Kirmse]

Artwork available

- The game was named after the Sci-Fi novel 'Berzerkers', a novel about robots which go Berzerk and kill everybody.

- 0.144: Fixed rom names.
- 0.137u1: Team Europe, Volker Hann and David Haywood added clone Berzerk (German Speech).
- 13th March 2010: Smitdogg - Team Europe dumped the German version of Berzerk.
- 23rd April 2009: 3D ARCADE - New 3D cocktail model for Berzerk from btribble.
- 25th March 2009: 3D ARCADE - New rare Australian 3D cabinet model for Berzer from btribble.
- 13th March 2009: 3D ARCADE - New 3D cabinet model for Berzer from btribble with the aftermarket Willis CPO.
- 0.129u4: Changed Custom sound to Exidy SFX.
- 13th October 2008: Mr. Do - Ad_Enuff's back?!? After a long hiatus, it looks like Addy's computer is all fixed and ready to get back to work now. First up on the list is the loooooong awaited bezel for Berzerk. Pictures speak better than words, so just download it. Right up there with Addy's previous quality work.
- 0.125u9: Update S14001A core [Lord Nightmare]: Improved filtering to be more accurate to the chip, changed internal audio renderer to produce 4 bit sound as the real chip does. Moved filter outside of the main rendering loop into the glue code. Note: With this update, you may hear a whining noise that was not previously present. This is accurate to the chip! The real chip would almost always have an analog filter placed on its output to suppress this whine.
- 0.122u7: Zsolt Vasvari changed S14001A emulator to allow setting the clock frequency instead of the clock multiplier. This is how the real chip works. Changed the Berzerk driver to set the S14001A clock as per the schematics.
- 0.115u3: Significant changes to the Berzerk driver [Zsolt Vasvari]: Video timings, memory map and interrupt system implemented from schematics. Hooked up colors according to the schematics as well. The colors changed significantly. For example the yellow robots are now more like a mustard color. Changed VSync to 59.637405 Hz.
- 0.113: Minor cleanup of Berzerk driver [Lord Nightmare].
- 0.112: Proper implementation of noise generator in the Exidy/Berzerk sound circuit and fixed popping in Berzerk speech [Lord Nightmare].
- 0.111u6: Lord Nightmare added the missing volume and frequency controls to the Berzerk driver and s14001a core. Fixed the issue with random words being spoken instead of the proper ones. Word is now latched at the proper time. Changed S14001A clock speed to 5MHz.
- 0.111u5: Lord Nightmare fixed a minor problem with sound clipping in the s14001a. Aaron Giles added sound effects emulation to the Berzerk driver. Added Custom sound. Removed samples (01-23.wav).
- 0.111u4: Lord Nightmare, Kevtris and R. Belmont added preliminary emulation of the TSI S14001A speech synthesizer as found in Berzerk/Frenzy (and also Stern pinballs). Added S14001A sound.
- 14th January 2007: R. Belmont - The Stern speech synthesis is working (at least preliminarily) and has been submitted. Who says we never improve old games?
- 10th January 2007: R. Belmont - The voice synthesis for Berzerk has been converted to MAME-like standards but it's not working properly. Some commands cause it to spew a string of words, while many others are silent.
- 5th January 2007: R. Belmont - It was pointed out to me that Lord Nightmare (with help from the awesome Kevtris) has the speech hardware for Berzerk and Frenzy emulated but his code needs to be assimilated into MAME. Sounds like fun...
- 10th January 2006: Frank Palazzolo - For those who haven't heard, the speech chip used in Berzerk has been reverse-engineered by "Lord Nightmare"! This is something I've been waiting for for about 7-8 years! I'm sure that the emulation will end up in MAME and PinMAME sooner or later. Because of this, I spent some time over Christmas looking at the analog filters on the Berzerk speech board (these are applied to the sound after it comes out of the chip). I finished the analysis, and it should be pretty straightforward to add them into MAME after the chip emulation is done. For what it's worth, I've been trying out Maxima with wxMaxima to do the symbolic math for circuit analysis. I know, I could have used SPICE or something - but doing the math from scratch makes it easier to understand what is going on. After I worked out about half of the math for these filters by hand, I ended up with about 6 pages of algebra. At this point, I figured I should use this as an excuse for learning Maxima. Sure enough, I found an error on page 5. Darned minus signs! The second half of the analysis took about 5 minutes, since the code from the first half was already done, and I could re-use it! For those who care - the filter is a third-order lowpass - a first order lowpass, followed by a second order with a resonant peak around 2400 Hz.
- 0.103u1: Major cleanup/rewrite of the Berzerk driver [smf]: Merged memory & IO read/write maps. Video ram & magic ram share the same memory. Hooked up NVRAM in frenzy memory map. Emulates magic ram shifter/flopper with 9 74LS153's as per the schematics. Emulates magic ram ALU with 2 74LS181's hardwired to logic mode as per the schematics. 74LS181 emulation based on the logic diagram from the datasheet, supporting logic mode & arithmetic mode.
- 0.101u1: MASH added missing voice roms to Berzerk and Frenzy.
- 0.93: Removed Custom sound.
- 15th May 2002: Zsolt Vasvari cleaned up the Berzerk driver.
- 0.36b7: Added Custom sound.
- 0.35b5: Changed description to 'Berzerk (set 1)' and clone '(set 2)'. Changed visible area to 256x224.
- 21st February 1999: Zsolt Vasvari has worked on Berzerk, cleaning up and making it a bit faster.
- 0.33b2: Zsolt Vasvari fixed speed in Berzerk and Frenzy.
- 0.31: Alex Judd added sound in Zaxxon and Berzerk, through samples.
- 0.30: Aaron Giles support dirty rectangles in Berzerk.
- 0.29: Zsolt Vasvari and Christopher Kirmse added Berzerk (Stern 1980) and the earlier, very rare Berzerk (version 1).
- 2nd June 1995: Dumped Berzerk (set 1).

LEVELS: 64000 (!!)

Other Emulators:
* Retrocade
* Sparcade

Romset: 16 kb / 8 files / 12.6 zip
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