Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725)

Arcade 1990 Capcom Platform Fighter Scrolling
The land has been cast in darkness by Drokmar, who has been corrupted by the Black Orb; an artefact that promises immortality to anyone who comes under the influence of the orb's powerful sorcery. Two warriors set out to fight their way through fifty levels of platform beat-em-up, in order to destroy the orb
Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725)

Partager Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725)


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  • maincpu 68000 (@ 10 Mhz)
  • audiocpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • YM2151 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • OKI6295 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 224
  • Frequency 59.629403 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 3
  • Kind of controler joy (8 ways)

Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725) Screenshots

Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725) - Screen 1
Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725) - Screen 2
Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725) - Screen 3
Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725) - Screen 4
Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725) - Screen 5

Clones of Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725)

Tips on Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725)

* Magic Sword items :
1) King crown : magical protection.
2) Gauntlet : increase power.
3) Golden pot : healing magic for partner.
4) Crystal ball : detect treasure boxes.
5) Pedant : double score.
6) Magic potion : increases magic skill.
7) Bell : summons a hostile Lizardman to tame. If you have the Diamond Ring equipped he will kneel to accept you as a partner.
8) Diamond Ring : see Bell.
9) Scroll : brings good luck.

* Partners :
1) Big Man : is strong and has great endurance. His boomerang axe is powerful but slow.
2) Ninja : throws 2 to 5 stars which rebound from walls and ceiling. Fast but not so powerful.
3) Amazon : fires her crossbow continuously. Her attack is swift but lacking in power.
4) Thief : is able to locate hidden treasure chests and traps. His bomb packs quite a wallop, too.
6) Knight : is incredibly adept with his spear and is your strongest ally. He is held in the upper level of the tower.
7) Priest : lacks physical strength and speed but his holy bullets can do grave damage to undead monsters.
8) Wizard : shoots magical missiles. He has the most powerful attack but is slow and not much to speak physically.
9) Lizardman : becomes an ally only when bribed with a diamond ring. He is a brute with great strength, speed and attacking power.

* Secret Doors :
Floor 7 - When you enter the floor, walk left and hit the column. warp to level 11.
Floor 17 - Slash the left side of the last arch. Warps to floor 20.
Floor 21 - Between the imprisoned (knight) and the exit, jump left from the elevated ground while slashing. Warp to floor 24.
Floor 28 - Crouch on the platform above the first pool of acid and slash the space in the middle. Enters RED floors 29 to 32.
Floor 34 - Jump and slash the left side of the the fourth pair of hanging pillars. Warps to floor 36.
Floor 39 - Slash the ledge immediately to the left of the first door after the pit of fire. Warps to floor 42.
Floor 40 - Crouch and slash the space above the ledge before the first pit of spikes. Enters RED floors 41 to 46.

* An extra 1,000,000 points! is available on blue level 30 : there is a wizard there who levitates rocks. Jump and sword him once, and then when he causes the rocks to appear, use magic (both buttons) to turn the rocks into 8K gold pieces. You can do this until time runs out.

* On level 14, go to the second 'door' with a head on top of it, jump and hit the 'nose' several times and two gems will drop down worth 80,000 a piece.

Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725) and M.A.M.E.

0.33b2 [Paul Leaman]

Artwork available

- 0.139u2: Changed description to 'Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (Japan 900623)'.
- 0.139: Changed description to 'Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy'.
- 0.127u1: Added 3rd button.
- 0.126u5: Added A-board PLDs (buf1, ioa1, prg1, rom1 and sou1) and B-board PLDs (iob1.11e and ms24b.1a).
- 0.124u3: Nicola Salmoria and Corrado Tomaselli fixed CPS1 palette control register to match tests on Magic Sword PCB.
- 0.73: Added dipswitches 'Player's vitality consumption' and 'Enemy's vitality and attacking power'.
- 12th February 2003: Nicola Salmoria fixed the graphics layer order in U.N. Squadron and Magic Sword in the CPS-1 driver though this problem never occurred in these games.
- 0.63: MASH added clone Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy (World 900623). Changed parent description to 'Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy (World 900725)' and clones '(US)' to '(US 900725)' and '(Japan)' to '(Japan 900623)'. Added dipswitches 'Difficulty', 'Vitality Consumption', 'Game Mode' and 2x 'Unused'. Removed 3rd button.
- 24th July 2001: Gerald and Thierry dumped Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy (World 900623).
- 0.36RC1: Changed parent and clone descriptions to 'Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy'.
- 0.34: Changed 4-way Joystick to 8-way.
- 0.34b8: Nicola Salmoria added clone Magic Sword (USA).
- 0.33b6: Marco Cassili added clone Magic Sword (Japan). Changed parent description to 'Magic Sword (World)'.
- 0.33b2: Paul Leaman added Magic Sword (Capcom 1990).
- 8th November 1997: CaBBe dumped Magic Sword - Heroic Fantasy (World 900725).


Other Emulators:
* Calice
* Callus
* FB Alpha
* Kawaks
* Nebula
* Raine

Romset: 3394 kb / 19 files / 1.34 zip
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