
Arcade 1990 Atari Games Shooter Driving (chase view)
An abstract racing game in which the player takes on the role of a special government courier, who must deliver a number of secret cargoes to their various destinations at the end of each stage. Gameplay consists of piloting a heavily-armed hovercraft over a series of waterways, avoiding or destroying the enemy craft and barriers that litter each level. Progress is hampered by mines, enemy hovercraft, logs and other obstacles. Money bags can be collected as well as extra fuel.

On-board fuel depletes at a steady pace and players must keep a look out for additional fuel cells. In addition to a forward-firing gun, the hovercraft is equipped with a 'Boost' function. Providing the player has enough boost fuel, the craft can be made to fly in the air for a limited time; useful for avoiding enemies and barriers, as well as for gaining access to certain bonus items.

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  • maincpu 68000 (@ 14 Mhz)
  • jsa M6502 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • YM2151 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • OKI6295 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 240
  • Frequency 59.922743 Hz
  • Number of players 1
  • Number of buttons 6
  • Kind of controler
    1. pedal
    2. pedal

Hydra Screenshots

Hydra - Screen 1
Hydra - Screen 2
Hydra - Screen 3
Hydra - Screen 4
Hydra - Screen 5

Clones of Hydra

Hydra and M.A.M.E.

0.36b1 [Aaron Giles]

- 0.143u4: Changed 68000 CPU1 clock speed to 14318181 Hz.
- 0.139u1: Aaron Giles changed atarigen_state to be a base class from which all the related Atari drivers derive their state from.
- 0.135u4: Some more Atari driver shuffling [Aaron Giles]: Added atarigen_init() function which allocates all timers and registers for save states. Updated all drivers to call it. Converted some drivers to use device timers.
- 0.135u3: Aaron Giles converted atari drivers over to using driver_data for the most part. Some shared systems still exist with globals, but this tackles the atarigen module and the variables local to each driver.
- 0.125u7: Aaron Giles fixed 'Fatal Exception' crash.
- 0.122u4: Changed M6502 CPU2 clock speed to 1789772 Hz, YM2151 to 3579545 Hz and OKI6295 to 1193181 Hz.
- 0.114u2: Aaron Giles and Couriersud added more accurate video timing to most of the Atari 68000-era games. The parameters are from published specs, not derived. Changed VSync to 59.922743 Hz.
- 0.114: Couriersud added general save state support to the atarijsa and atarigen modules.
- 0.109: Canim removed 3rd coin slot from Hydra.
- 0.105u4: Fixed rom names.
- 0.86u4: Pierpaolo Prazzoli fixed broken controls in Hydra.
- 0.79u2: Changed Custom sound to DMA-driven_DAC.
- 0.79u1: Aaron Giles fixed 'bad colour RAM' error in Hydra.
- 6th February 2004: Aaron Giles fixed the recently introduced errors in Hydra, Pit Fighter and Escape Kids.
- 0.77: Aaron Giles added support for the MO command register (MO checksums now work). Added missing SHA1 values and marked some ROMs as NO_DUMP. Removed 6502 speedups.
- 0.68: Aaron Giles added clone Hydra (prototype 5/25/90). Changed description of clone '(prototype)' to '(prototype 5/14/90)'.
- 15th May 2003: Aaron Giles added another prototype of Hydra to the Atari G1 driver.
- 0.66: Added proms ($0, 200, 400 - Microcode for growth renderer).
- 16th February 2003: Aaron Giles added the proper microcode PROMs for the growth object generator in the Atari G1 and G42 drivers, and improved the SLOOP protection emulation in Road Riot, but it's still not playable.
- 0.37b15: Changed M6502 CPU2 clock speed to 1789500, YM2151 to 3579000 and OKI6295 to 9037 Hz.
- 6th April 2001: Aaron Giles fixed a bug in Hydra and Pit Fighter, which caused crashes in MAME32.
- 0.37b8: Changed palettesize from 1024 to 1280 colors.
- 0.36RC1: Changed 68000 CPU1 clock speed to 14318180 Hz, M6502 to 1789772 Hz, YM2151 to 3579545 Hz and OKI6295 to 9039 Hz.
- 0.36b2: Aaron Giles added clone Hydra (prototype) (Atari Games 1990).
- 0.36b1: Aaron Giles added Hydra (Atari Games 1990).
- 16th July 1999: Aaron Giles sent in a huge Atari update with Hydra and Pit Fighter drivers.
- 27th May 1999: Aaron Giles sent in a small Atari update with user-friendly messages about the quirks of the games shown at the startup.

- You are the Hydra, a courier for hire. You are a highly paid specialist whose job it is to deliver cargo to remote locations across the globe. World powers seek you out for dangerous assignments that only you can accomplish. Your toughest competitor, The Shadow, is always on your tail waiting to pick up cargo that you lose.

- Collect money bags to buy weapons
- Receive extra fuel & boost by collecting crystals
- All of these objects will make you crash: Reefs, Mines, Rocks, SDand Bars, Logs and Shoals. Avoid them at all cost.

Romset: 2562 kb / 42 files / 1.26 zip
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