
Arcade 1982 Enter-Tech, Ltd. Driving Boat
A kids' game where the player controls a tugboat which the player must navigate up the river while avoiding logs and touching lighthouses for points. There is no penalty for hitting the riverbank. The Horn button just sounds. First four levels just get faster, then the river channel narrows, and the boat's speed increases.

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  • maincpu M6502 (@ 2 Mhz)
  • AY-3-8910A (@ 2 Mhz)
  • Orientation Tate
  • Resolution 240 x 224
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 1
  • Number of buttons 1
  • Kind of controler joy (2 ways)

Tugboat Screenshots

Tugboat - Screen 1
Tugboat - Screen 2
Tugboat - Screen 3
Tugboat - Screen 4
Tugboat - Screen 5

Tugboat and M.A.M.E.

0.63 [MooglyGuy, Nicola Salmoria]

Artwork available

- Known graphical issues: score display is kludged and looks wrong and colors may not be 100% accurate. Source (ID 02275)

- 2nd August 2010: Mr. Do - Thanks to ChuckH for pointing out that the Moppett bezel was used in other games, so it's been added to Tugboat.
- 0.124u5: Andrew Gardner merged memory maps for Tugboat.
- 16th December 2005: Dave Widel - Improved the score display in Tugboat.
- 0.69u3: Tomasz Slanina fixed problem where controls stopped working after the first level in Tugboat.
- 3rd June 2003: Tomasz Slanina fixed an interrupt problem in the Tugboat driver that caused problems with controls in the second level.
- 0.63: MooglyGuy added Tugboat (ETM 1982). TODO: Controls stop working in stage 2. Verify connections of the two PIAs. I only hooked up a couple of ports but there are more. Check how the score is displayed. I'm quite sure that tugboat_score_w is supposed to access videoram scanning it by columns (like btime_mirrorvideoram_w), but the current implementation is a big kludge, and it still looks wrong. Colors might not be entirely accurate.
- 27th November 2002: Nicola Salmoria further improved Tugboat.
- 25th November 2002: Nicola Salmoria improved the Tugboat driver, but there are still many problems.
- 18th November 2002: MooglyGuy submitted a preliminary driver for Tugboat, it works somewhat but colors are wrong, scrolling doesn't work and the inputs aren't hooked up.

- Navigate down river and into lock.
- Aviod shores and logs.
- Hit buoys (1 Point).
- Bonus points awared for number of buoys hit.

LEVELS: 99 (endless)

Romset: 35 kb / 12 files / 19.8 zip
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