Empire City: 1931 (Italy)

Arcade 1986 Seibu Kaihatsu (Eurobed license) Shooter 1st Person
Empire City 1931 is a first-person shoot'em up where you attempt to rid 1931 New York City of the dangerous criminal element.
Empire City: 1931 (Italy)

Partager Empire City: 1931 (Italy)


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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • audiocpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • YM2203 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • YM2203 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • MSM5205 (@ 0 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 224
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 2
  • Kind of controler joy (8 ways)

Empire City: 1931 (Italy) Screenshots

Empire City: 1931 (Italy) - Screen 1
Empire City: 1931 (Italy) - Screen 2
Empire City: 1931 (Italy) - Screen 3
Empire City: 1931 (Italy) - Screen 4
Empire City: 1931 (Italy) - Screen 5

Clones of Empire City: 1931 (Italy)

Empire City: 1931 (Italy) and M.A.M.E.

0.36b3 [Gerald Vanderick]
0.36b2 [Mark McDougall]

Artwork available

- During attract mode and occasionally during game play, graphical sprites and fragments 'lag' in the lower left corner of the screen. Nightvoice (ID 04427)
- stfight, empcity: Music pitch is too low. Phil Bennett (ID 03911)

- 0.141u4: ANY added clone 'Empire City: 1931 (Italy)'. Changed description of clone 'Street Fight' to 'Street Fight (bootleg?)'.
- 0.138u4: Empire City now load (but don't yet use) the decapped MCU (empirecity_68705.bin) [Dr. Decapitator].
- 25th June 2010: Guru - The 68705P5 MCU for Empire City (Seibu) has now been successfully processed (decap, de-protect & read).
- 0.132u5: Luigi30 fixed credits are registering twice in Empire City.
- 0.131: Aaron Giles merged memory maps in the Empire City driver.
- 0.123u1: Changed palettesize to 832 colors.
- 0.122u7: Yasuhiro Ogawa changed the 2x YM2203 clock in to 3MHz (compared against OST).
- 1st January 2008: Mr. Do - Finished up the bezel for Empire City.
- 29th December 2007: Guru - Referring to the list of stuff that arrived below, as suspected, much of it was useless. Empire City... useless too, already dumped and in MAME.
- 21st December 2007: Guru - A huge box arrived today. That 19.75kg box looks mighty impressive, although I'm not sure that all of it is going to be useful. Some could be alt. versions but most don't work so I'll need to dump all of these before I can tell exactly what they are. It contains Empire City (Seibu Kaihatsu, Taito/Romstar License 1986, orig.) and others. Thanks to Tingoes for sending these out.
- 0.112u4: Aaron Giles removed MDRV_CPU_PERIODIC_INT in the Street Fight machine driver, no more slowdowns.
- 0.84: David Haywood added clones Empire City: 1931 (US) and Street Fight.
- 0.55: Aaron Giles fixed Empire City 1931 / Street Fight which were broken due to the interrupt handling.
- 23rd July 2000: Guru dumped Street Fight.
- 0.36b16: Added clone 'Empire City: 1931' (Japan). Changed parent description to 'Empire City: 1931 (bootleg?)'.
- 0.36b3: Gerald Vanderick added 'Empire City: 1931' (Seibu Kaihatsu 1986). Nicola Salmoria fixed colors in Empire City: 1931. Changed palettesize to 257 and added 8 missing proms ($0 - 700).
- 8th August 1999: Gerald Vanderick added Empire City 1931 to the Street Fight driver.
- 0.36b2: Mark McDougall added Street Fight (Germany) (Seibu 1986). TODO: Palette is incorporated. Handle transparency in text layer properly (how?). Second bank of sf02 is this used? (probably NOT).
- 3rd June 1999: Street Fight driver was sent to the list, but colors aren't any better yet. Marco fixed the dipswitches of it.
- 31st May 1999: Mark McDougall sent in some screenshots of Seibu's Street Fight, but the driver is not yet sent to the team.
- 31st January 1999: Thierry and Gerald dumped Empire City: 1931. The board is jamma and is in working state.


Romset: 652 kb / 30 files / 218.0 zip
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