Cycle Warriors

Arcade 1991 Tatsumi Fighter Misc.
You control a bike rider that must punch enemy bikers, destroy gyrocopters dropping bombs on you and road-blocking end-of-level nasties. While you're riding into the screen you can ride further forward and decelerate back to add an extra dimension of movement. When you pull back you practically get your sprite to fill the whole screen. You can jump over cars backwards and forwards as well as landing on their roofs, as they receive more damage large chunks of bodywork fly off until they finally explode.
Cycle Warriors

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  • maincpu 68000 (@ 12 Mhz)
  • sub 68000 (@ 12 Mhz)
  • audiocpu Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • YM2151 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • OKI6295 (@ 2 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 240
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 4
  • Number of buttons 3
  • Kind of controler joy (8 ways)

Cycle Warriors Screenshots

Cycle Warriors - Screen 1
Cycle Warriors - Screen 2
Cycle Warriors - Screen 3
Cycle Warriors - Screen 4
Cycle Warriors - Screen 5

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0.87u1 [Bryan McPhail]

- 0.126: Aaron Giles fixed access violation crash in Cycle Warriors.
- 0.122u5: Phil Bennett corrected Cycle Warriors dipswitches. Added dipswitches 'Player Select', 'Service Mode', 'Coin A/B', 'Lives', 'Ticket Dispenser', 'Machine Type', 'Difficulty' and 'Demo Sounds'.
- 0.122u4: Major improvements to Cycle Warriors video code (still not perfect, but road layer works now) [Bryan McPhail]. Phil Bennett added sound to Cycle Warriors. Corrected OKI M6295 clock values. Fixed cpu1/2 roms addresses. Swapped gfx5 roms ($0, 40000). Changed 68000 CPU1/2 clock speeds to 12.5MHz, OKI6295 to 2MHz and visible area to 320x240. Removed 4th button. Added 'Test' and 19x 'Unknown' dipswitches.
- 0.87u1: Bryan McPhail added Cycle Warriors (Tatsumi 1991). Playable to a degree, but not really working properly. The Tatsumi driver games are all different boards, but share a similar sprite chip (TZB215 on Apache 3, TZB315 on others). Other graphics (road, sky, bg/fg layers) all differ between games. TODO: Sprite rotation, implement road layer, BG layer(s), dipswitches and various other things.
- 24th November 2003: Bryan McPhail - TODO: Fix vram layer and sound. The Tatsumi hardware is easily one of the most complicated emulations I've worked on. In terms of reverse engineering there were very little 'clues' about how things fitted together so it was very hard to get the basic emulation even running. Roundup 5 consists of three cpu's - V30, 68000 and Z80 cpu all communicating via shared ram, plus a strange object processor which has all sorts of lookups for determining sprite blocks and colour palettes. Cycle Warriors is 2 * 68000, Z80 and the same object processor.

Romset: 3904 kb / 31 files / 1.30 zip
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