
Arcade 1978 bootleg? (Sidam) Ball & Paddle
Cascade is a 2-D game of skill. You control a multi-storied platform with a spinner-knob. Your goal is to prevent the falling rocks from ever reaching the ground. There are six rows of rocks to deal with. You start with a six-storied platform and you lose one platform per row of rocks cleared. You score points for those rocks you prevent from reaching the ground. Of course, the farther the row of rocks, the smaller and faster they become. Your ultimate goal is to get enough points so that you can continue your game should you lose your first one. Get your hard hat out and prepare to catch some rogue rocks.

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  • maincpu M6502 (@ 0 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 240
  • Fréquence 60 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 1
  • Nombre de boutons 1
  • Type de contrôle paddle

Screenshots de Cascade

Cascade - Screen 1
Cascade - Screen 2
Cascade - Screen 3
Cascade - Screen 4
Cascade - Screen 5

Les clones de Cascade

Scoring de Cascade

The score for each rock corresponds to its row number. Rows are numbered 1-6 starting from the lowest row and moving up. Therefore, the rocks values are :
Row 1 : 1 point
Row 2 : 2 points
Row 3 : 3 points
Row 4 : 4 points
Row 5 : 5 points
Row 6 : 6 points

Tips sur Cascade

* When you start the game, you will see six rows of rocks. Each row contains 32 rocks in it. At the bottom of the screen you will have your six-story platform to catch the falling rocks. Gameplay starts as soon as you press the SERVE button or after five seconds, whichever comes first. First, you must know how the game works so you can better play it :
1) You start with a six-story platform. Each time a row of 32 rocks is cleared (either by you catching it or it hits the ground), you lose one story and the remaining platform(s) become shorter.
2) Every two rows of rocks (64 rocks) become smaller then the previous two rows. In addition, they travel faster down toward your platform(s).
3) If you happen to clear out all six rows of rocks, the game will reload the top with more rocks. You will now start with a three-story platform. If you clear those rows, it will be a two-story platform. The final re-loading of rocks will give you a single platform to catch rocks with. You can only have a maximum of three rock refills (not counting the initial rocks at the beginning of the game).

* The maximum score you can get on each level is 687 points.

* When you are playing the game, only concentrate on catching the rocks with your bottom platform. If you have a multi-storied platform, you will catch a lot of the rocks before they even reach the bottom platform. Of course, in the later rows, this won't be the case.

* If you happen to get a miss, all the rocks that were falling will be placed back at the top (including the one you missed).

* Learn not to spin the control knob. This prevents you from losing control of where your platform is. Instead, learn how to turn it gently to where you need to go. There is enough time to move from side to side.

* Speaking of placement, always try to keep near the middle. That way you can react faster to where the rocks are falling instead of going all the way left or right all the time.

* Whenever you either clear a screen or get enough points for extended play, there is a couple of seconds delay while the board sets up.
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