720 Degrees (rev 2)

Arcade 1986 Atari Games Sports Skateboarding
720° is a one or two-player arcade game with players taking on the role of a skateboarder, and must perform various tricks and maneuvers to earn the points and tickets needed to compete for medals in the game's numerous skate parks.

The bulk of the action takes place in a 'Skate City', a small urban area made up of ramps, jumps and hazards. Players can skate anywhere they wish as they perform the tricks and jumps needed to reach the score thresholds that will earn them entry tickets to Skate City's skate parks to compete for medals and cash prizes.

Each score threshold must be reached and a park entered within a tight time limit. Failure to do so sees the skater persued by a swarm of bees and the words SKATE OR DIE appear. Should the bees touch the skater before he enters a park, the game ends. Skate City's roads and pavements are populated with moving traffic and pedestrians and any collision with them will result in the skater being knocked from his board, costing the player precious seconds.

The parks themselves each feature one of four different disciplines: Slalom, Jump, Downhill and Ramp. Each park has a timer and players can earn either a bronze, silver or gold medal
720 Degrees (rev 2)

Partager 720 Degrees (rev 2)


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  • maincpu T11 (@ 10 Mhz)
  • audiocpu M6502 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • pokey1 POKEY (@ 1 Mhz)
  • pokey2 POKEY (@ 1 Mhz)
  • YM2151 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • POKEY (@ 1 Mhz)
  • POKEY (@ 1 Mhz)
  • TMS5220C (@ 0 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 255
  • Frequency 60.096154 Hz
  • Number of players 1
  • Number of buttons 2
  • Kind of controler
    1. stick
    2. stick

720 Degrees (rev 2) Screenshots

720 Degrees (rev 2) - Screen 1
720 Degrees (rev 2) - Screen 2
720 Degrees (rev 2) - Screen 3
720 Degrees (rev 2) - Screen 4
720 Degrees (rev 2) - Screen 5

Clones of 720 Degrees (rev 2)

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Tips on 720 Degrees (rev 2)

* Develop skill in using the rotary control in conjunction with the Jump button to do aerial moves, because they are worth more points. Press the Jump button after gaining speed, and then rotate the control in a 360-degree motion. In this game, it is possible to do much more than just a 360-degree turn!

* When attempting certain aerial or rotational moves, it is important to be properly aligned on landing, otherwise the skater bails, or falls down.

* To qualify for medals in the higher classes of skate parks, it is best to try to buy some skate equipment first to allow players to perform harder moves.

* Daring players should try to wait out the timer in the streets, performing skate moves and acquiring points until the timer is about to expire.

* In the ramp park, a good trick is to constantly push the kick button and do skid-outs at the top of each side of the half-pipe. To do this, get to the lip of the ramp, hold the stick parallel with the lip, and stop pressing kick. This will cause you to grind and skid down the ramp. You will be awarded big points at the lip and at the base of the ramp. This procedure may be repeated over and over for some incredible (effortless) high scores.

* Don't forget to visit the skate shops. Do not underestimate what a new board and shoes do for you. Buying new equipment allows you to move faster, jump farther, recover faster, and pull off more tricks.

* In the ramp section, levels 8, 9, and 10 : holding down the kick and jump buttons simultaneously on the lip of the ramp will boost your air. This trick only works when you're going the correct speed (usually your third or fourth jump), and only once (as far as I can tell) per ramp session per level.

* The entire game should focus around the Sessions skate park (the blue park in the right quadrant of the play-field). Making multiple passes through this park will greatly increase your scores. Remember to keep jumping and spinning. A good game should leave you feeling completely exhausted!

720 Degrees (rev 2) and M.A.M.E.

0.33b4 [Aaron Giles]

- The sprites in 720 flicker/disappear sometimes in recent MAME versions. Machone (ID 00380)

- 0.141u1: Derrick Renaud added Driver Configuration option to '720 Degrees' to allow the controls to be set to Real 720 Controller Input; fake joystick; or fake spinner. It defaults to fake spinner for mouse/spinner use. Added dial input.
- 0.139u3: Aaron Giles moved the old hard-coded EEPROM data out into a file in 720.
- 0.125u4: Added button 1 and 2.
- 0.125u2: Removed button 1 and 2.
- 0.124u3: Aaron Giles removed ancient 720 kludge in the T-11 core. Also added support in the T-11 core for an external vector via irq_callback. Apparently the hardware actually did support this and it is necessary for emulating the BK 0010/11 computer in MESS.
- 0.122u5: Aaron Giles removed 720 sound CPU hack in favor of prepopulated EEPROM like the other games. Changed M6502 CPU1 clock speed to 1789772 Hz and VSync to 60.096154 Hz.
- 0.105u4: Fixed rom names.
- 0.85u1: Aaron Giles changed 720' controls to use an analog joystick instead of a dial so that the original controller motion can be replicated. Thanks to MAME Analog+ for the logic.
- 0.76u1: Aaron Giles added clones 720 Degrees (rev 1), (rev 2), (German, rev 1) and (German, rev 2). Changed parent description to '720 Degrees (rev 4)' and clone '(set 2)' to '(rev 3)'. Renamed (720b) to (720r3).
- 0.55: Changed M6502 clock speed to 2.2MHz.
- 0.36RC1: Changed YM2151 clock speed to 3579545 Hz, the 2x Pokey to 1789772 Hz and TMS5220 to 625000 Hz.
- 0.35: Nicola Salmoria fixed controls in 720 Degrees. Changed input to Dial.
- 0.34b3: Nicola Salmoria added clone 720 Degrees (set 2). Changed parent description to '720 Degrees (set 1)'. Known issues: The controller isn't emulated properly.
- 0.33b4: Aaron Giles added 720 Degrees (Atari Games 1986). The controller isn't emulated properly.

- First choose Training or Experienced level
- Drive over a MAP symbol to see the city map and where to find all parks
- Parks: Class 1 - SLALOM PARK, Class 2 - JUMP PARK, Class 3 - DOWNHILL PARK and Class 4 - RAMP PARK
- Spin in the air for more points
- Find hidden points and extra money
- More variety earns more points
- Buy equipment for better performance
- Remember: SKATE OR DIE!

LEVELS: 16 (4 x 4)

Romset: 1762 kb / 37 files / 590.1 zip
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