Truck Kyosokyoku (Japan, TKK2/VER.A)

Arcade 2000 Metro / Namco Driving Race (chase view)
Select one of 4 trucks and run through 5 stages within the limited time.

Partager Truck Kyosokyoku (Japan, TKK2/VER.A)


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  • maincpu CXD8661R (@ 100 Mhz)
  • sub H8/3002 (@ 16 Mhz)
  • C352 (@ 25 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 255
  • Fréquence 60 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 2
  • Nombre de boutons 6
  • Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)

Truck Kyosokyoku (Japan, TKK2/VER.A) et M.A.M.E.

0.141u2 [Mr. Do, Guru, Smitdogg]

CD-ROM required

- 0.141u2: Added Truck Kyosokyoku (Japan, TKK2/VER.A) (Metro / Namco 2000).
- 6th September 2010: R. Belmont - Guru completed the dump of Truck Kyosokyoku (Namco, 2000). On top of the standard System 12 platform it requires a JVS I/O board (most System 12 games can work as JAMMA or JVS and the current driver supports only JAMMA) and adds an SH-2 CPU, IDE interface, and CD-ROM drive. Unsurprisingly it does nothing interesting when you just drop it into the current driver, but stay tuned.
- 1st September 2010: Guru - Smitdogg sent some stuff a while ago too and I chipped in some funds towards some of them: Truck Kyosokyoku (with I/O board and CD). Special thanks to Mr Do for taking delivery of the cab (bought with DU funds of course) and sending out the PCB to Smitdogg.
- 28th July 2010: Smitdogg - Guru has been really busy lately and hasn't had time to update his site. I'm going to go ahead and mention a few of the recent arrivals there. One was a box from me that included Truck Kyosokyoku.
- 18th June 2010: Smitdogg - I received Truck Kyousoukyoku today from Mr. Do. I'll edit in some pics this afternoon.
- 10th June 2010: Smitdogg - I'm still waiting on Mr. Do to send me Truck Kyosokyoku, after which I'll be sending it to Guru.
- 31st March 2010: Smitdogg - Mr. Do just got back from picking it up! The game is Truck Kyosokyoku, a rare game imported from Japan that was briefly used by a Temecula arcade that was opened up by an Indian business group. They imported a bunch of hard-to-find games from Japan but it went under and they sold the cabs off. Thanks to everyone who helped out so far: Rambo, K. Fisher, Tauchy, Gyrovision, hack_mole, J. Wilke,, Kevin Eshbach, ranger_lennier, Mr. Do and Mr. Do's wife! We should have some pics tomorrow.
- 25th March 2010: Smitdogg - There is a frankly awesome Namco System 12 game that has become available. It's rare, especially outside of Japan. I've never seen it for sale before. If we raise the money soon, we can get it before someone else snags it.

Romset: 66176 kb / 13 files / 15.5 zip
CD-ROM: 550.8 MB (Compressed: 364.3)
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