Stadium Hero 96 (World, EAJ)

Arcade 1996 Data East Corporation Sports Baseball
A baseball game from Data East.
Stadium Hero 96 (World, EAJ)

Partager Stadium Hero 96 (World, EAJ)


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  • maincpu ARM (@ 7 Mhz)
  • YMZ280B (@ 14 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 240
  • Fréquence 58 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 2
  • Nombre de boutons 4
  • Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)

Screenshots de Stadium Hero 96 (World, EAJ)

Stadium Hero 96 (World, EAJ) - Screen 1
Stadium Hero 96 (World, EAJ) - Screen 2
Stadium Hero 96 (World, EAJ) - Screen 3
Stadium Hero 96 (World, EAJ) - Screen 4
Stadium Hero 96 (World, EAJ) - Screen 5

Les clones de Stadium Hero 96 (World, EAJ)

Si vous avez aimé Stadium Hero 96 (World, EAJ)

Vous aimerez peut-être :

Stadium Hero 96 (World, EAJ) et M.A.M.E.

0.137 [Bryan McPhail]
0.78u1 [Bryan McPhail]

Artwork available

- 0.137: Changed clone 'Stadium Hero 96 (Version EAJ)' to parent set 'Stadium Hero 96 (World, EAJ)' and 'Stadium Hero 96 (Version EAD)' to clone 'Stadium Hero 96 (Japan, EAD)'. Renamed (stadhr96) to (stadhr96j) and (stadhr96a) to (stadhr96).
- 0.133u1: Renamed (stadh96a) to (stadhr96a).
- 24th September 2007: Mr. Do - Some more instruction cards courtesy of Tormod: Stadium Hero 96 (NOTE: Game presently not working in MAME).
- 0.103u2: Changed YMZ280B clock speed to 14MHz.
- 0.103u1: Changed YMZ280B clock speed to 21MHz and visible area to 320x240. Removed gfx2/3 roms. Changed region gfx4 to gfx2.
- 0.98u4: Added missing gfx2/3 roms. Changed visible area to 512x512.
- 0.98u3: Fixed cpu1 rom loading.
- 0.78u1: Bryan McPhail added Stadium Hero 96 (Version EAD) and clone (Version EAJ).
- 3rd November 2002: Guru - Stadium Hero '96 (Data East 1996) arrived from WTC from Japan.

Romset: 30209 kb / 11 files / 11.8 zip
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