Pang Pang

Arcade 1994 Dong Gue La Mi Ltd. Platform Run Jump
A "Tumble Pop" style game. With every stage boss you defeat, you are rewarded with a picture of a nude woman.
Pang Pang

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  • maincpu 68000 (@ 14 Mhz)
  • OKI6295 (@ 0 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 240
  • Fréquence 58 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 2
  • Nombre de boutons 2
  • Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)

Screenshots de Pang Pang

Pang Pang - Screen 1
Pang Pang - Screen 2
Pang Pang - Screen 3
Pang Pang - Screen 4
Pang Pang - Screen 5

Pang Pang et M.A.M.E.

0.105u1 [David Haywood, f205v]

- 0.105u1: David Haywood added Pang Pang (Dong Gue La Mi Ltd. 1994). Added simulated PIC16C57/OKI6295 sound for Pang Pang.
- 6th April 2006: David Haywood - The 'Level Select' screen in Pang Pang doesn't seem to let you actually select anything apart from Level 1, and the High Score table seems rather broken. Assuming those aren't emulation bugs they are pretty ridiculous. Anyway, I've fixed the background colours, although the game does appear to have a severe identity crisis, it doesn't seem to know if it wants to be Tumble Pop, or Bubble Bobble. You suck thins up with your laser gun, but when you shoot the enemies they turn into bubbles. The PIC was read-protected so no sound for now. Note the High Score table (which doesn't even work properly) still has DECO in it.
- 5th April 2006: David Haywood - Another game where most of the code has been copied straight from Tumble Pop. It's called Pang Pang, there are some issues with the background graphics and it has a PIC (which could be read protected) driving the sound hardware. Thanks again to the guys over at the MAME Italian Forum.
- 29th March 2006: f205v dumped Pang Pang. PCB is marked "Dong Gue Ra Me".


Other Emulators:
* FB Alpha

Romset: 3084 kb / 12 files / 1.24 zip
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