Holy Diver (Jpn) - ホーリーダイヴァー

Nintendo NES 1989 Irem
For the album Holy Diver by the band Dio, and its title track, see Dio.
Holy Diver (ホーリーダイヴァー or ホーリーダイバー, Hōrīdaivā) is a platforming video game software developed and published by Irem on April 28, 1989 for the Famicom (Japanese version of the Nintendo Entertainment System). The game was scheduled for a North American release in the same year, and even received a brief write-up in Electronic Gaming Monthly. However, for unknown reasons, the game was never released outside Japan.
Holy Diver (Jpn)

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Contenu de la ROM :


  • maincpu N2A03 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • N2A03 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 240
  • Fréquence 60.098 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 4
  • Nombre de boutons 2
  • Type de contrôle
    1. triplejoy (8 ways)
    2. triplejoy (8 ways)
    3. triplejoy (8 ways)
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Screenshots de Holy Diver (Jpn)

Holy Diver (Jpn) - Screen 1
Holy Diver (Jpn) - Screen 2
Holy Diver (Jpn) - Screen 3
Holy Diver (Jpn) - Screen 4
Holy Diver (Jpn) - Screen 5

Similarities to other games

Although Irem designed the game, its plot and setting is designed in the same vein as Konami's Castlevania and Getsu Fūma Den. In fact, one of stages has sprites and graphics similar to those found in Konami's other game, Contra (the final boss is also very similar to Contra's). The HUD is like the one used in Nintendo's Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.
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