Baltron (Jpn) - バルトロン

Nintendo NES 1986 Toei Animation
Baltron (バルトロン) is a Family Computer video game that was released exclusively for the Japanese market on March 19, 1989. Baltron heavily borrows concepts from classic games like Defender and Scramble.

The game is side-scrolling shooter where players must defeat enemy aircraft and depart from their launch pad.


Blue capsule
Energy is restored up to the maximum.
Yellow capsule
The player's machine would be invincible for a certain period of time. However, hitting the terrain would still destroy the player.
Grants the player an extra life.
Baltron (Jpn)

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Contenu de la ROM :


  • maincpu N2A03 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • N2A03 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 255 x 240
  • Fréquence 60.098 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 4
  • Nombre de boutons 2
  • Type de contrôle
    1. triplejoy (8 ways)
    2. triplejoy (8 ways)
    3. triplejoy (8 ways)
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Screenshots de Baltron (Jpn)

Baltron (Jpn) - Screen 1
Baltron (Jpn) - Screen 2
Baltron (Jpn) - Screen 3
Baltron (Jpn) - Screen 4
Baltron (Jpn) - Screen 5

Les clones de Baltron (Jpn)


Taking a cue from the popular Star Wars series opening crawl (with its catch phase A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...), the title screen contains the nearly identical catch phrase of A long long time ago. In the year 2999, people from the planet Star Lenion (which is very similar to planet Earth) are under attack from the Bismark Empire.
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