Poker Face Paul's Blackjack (USA)

Sega Game Gear 1994 Sega
Poker Face Paul was a series of four video games for Game Gear that simulated various card games. The first was Poker Face Paul's Blackjack in 1992. In 1994, it was followed by Poker Face Paul's Gin, Poker Face Paul's Poker and Poker Face Paul's Solitaire.
Poker Face Paul's Blackjack (USA)

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Contenu de la ROM :


  • maincpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Game Gear PSG (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 160 x 144
  • Fréquence 59.922738 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 1
  • Nombre de boutons 2
  • Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)
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Screenshots de Poker Face Paul's Blackjack (USA)

Poker Face Paul's Blackjack (USA) - Screen 1
Poker Face Paul's Blackjack (USA) - Screen 2
Poker Face Paul's Blackjack (USA) - Screen 3
Poker Face Paul's Blackjack (USA) - Screen 4
Poker Face Paul's Blackjack (USA) - Screen 5


note: The Blackjack and Poker editions of Poker Face Paul received a tougher rating (than the gin rummy and solitaire versions) because they were games of chance; not skill.


Poker Face Paul's Blackjack is a card game where the player starts out with a certain amount of money on the Las Vegas Strip and play in a series of blackjacks games to either win big or bust. The player can choose to play in four different casinos and can select options on how they play including how much bets are worth and how many decks are used. The game will also help the player out with the rules and regulations of blackjack.


Another in the Poker Face Paul series, this one centering around the game of solitaire. There are four different versions of solitaire to play (Klondike, Monte Carlo, Eleven and Calculation) each with their own look and set of rules. There are in-game instructions that can help out the player during these games in case they get confused as well as hints that will help out the player as the progress. Players can also choose to turn these hints on or off as well as change time limit (ten minutes, eight minutes, seven minutes, six minutes, or disabled).


Another game released in the Poker Face Paul series, this version centering around Poker instead. There are two versions of Poker to choose from: the standard five-card stud where the player competes against computer opponents in an attempt to get a good hand such as a straight, flush, etc.

Video poker is the second option where the player goes at it alone, but still with the same objective as five-card stud trying to assemble a winning hand, however since the player is alone they receive a certain amount of money according to the hand they assemble. There are also instructions that help the player out.


Another entry in the Poker Face Paul series this one focuses on the game of Gin. The player can choose from three different players with each being a level of difficulty: Jack is the easiest and has the player learn the basics, Jane is a medium setting and a little harder while Ming is the hardest setting. Players can also customize a variety of options including rule settings and can learn the basics of Gin through a built-in strategy that is essentially a learning tool.
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