DuckTales (Euro)

Nintendo Game Boy 1990 Capcom
DuckTales (わんぱくダック夢冒険, Wanpaku Dakku Yume Bōken, lit. "Naughty Ducks Dream Adventures") is a video game based on the Disney animated TV series of the same name. It was first released in the United States for the Nintendo Entertainment System by Capcom in 1989. In this game, Scrooge McDuck travels around the world collecting treasures to become the world's richest duck. The game was also ported to Game Boy. This game is different from DuckTales: The Quest for Gold, which was released on a variety of personal computers in the early 1990s.

DuckTales is often a subject of NES-related nostalgia and was generally popular. The game provides a good example of the work produced by Capcom in the late 1980s and early 1990s, along with such titles as those in the Mega Man franchise; both shared key personnel such as Tokuro Fujiwara, Keiji Inafune and Yoshihiro Sakaguchi. DuckTales has much in common with the Mega Man games: bright and colorful graphics, tight play control with unique gameplay dynamics (such as using Scrooge's cane as a weapon, tool, and pogo stick), and non-linear gameplay.

A remake of the game by WayForward Technologies is currently being developed for Wii U Nintendo eShop, PlayStation Network and the Xbox Live Arcade for a Q2/Q3 2013 release.

The player controls Scrooge McDuck, the richest duck in the world, on a quest for even more treasure. Scrooge can jump using the A button; his cane is used as a weapon to defeat enemies or strike objects (B button) and as a pogo stick to jump higher (A then B + Down). There is a wide variety of helpful non-player characters and enemy characters.

DuckTales comprises five levels that can be played in any order (similar to the Mega Man games). A boss guards the treasure that Scrooge seeks at the end of each level. There are also two hidden treasures: a golden ring in the African Mines level and a golden mirror in the Moon level. Upon finishing all five levels, the player is directed back to Transylvania for the final boss fight. DuckTales contains some non-linear gameplay, in that the player can revisit levels to get items that unlock parts of other levels.


  • Scrooge McDuck—The player controls Scrooge throughout the game, making use of a variety of techniques, while collecting different items.
  • Huey, Dewey and Louie—Scrooge's nephews pop up in various spots in the game, usually to offer hints or to restrict areas (e.g. in the Moon level) Scrooge does not yet have access to.
  • Webby Vanderquack—Serves a similar function as Scrooge's nephews.
  • Gizmo Duck—Briefly appears to blast a wall open.
  • Launchpad McQuack—Helps Scrooge over a pitfall in the Amazon. Also, he is found in every level (except Transylvania) where the player has the option of letting him take them back to Duckburg. If certain conditions are met, the player will enter a bonus round. Launchpad can be used only once per level.
  • Gyro Gearloose—Shows up only in the bonus level, where he will launch diamonds at Scrooge.
  • Mrs. Beakley—Appears in certain levels where she will drop life-regenerating food to Scrooge.
  • Bubba—If you release him from the ice in the Himalayas, he will reward Scrooge with an extra energy slot.
  • Magica De Spell—Scrooge fights this nemesis of his in Transylvania.
  • Flintheart Glomgold—Scrooge must stop Flintheart from reaching the treasure before he does.
  • The Beagle Boys—The Beagle Boys show up occasionally, usually as guards of a passage or while kidnapping one of Scrooge's nephews.

Alternate endings

The NES version of DuckTales contains an alternate ending shown when the player finishes the game with at least $10,000,000 and has found both hidden treasures. The alternate ending consists of the same newspaper at the end of the game except the picture shows Scrooge McDuck with a crown on his head, and the paper also states that he "stunned the world with his discovery of 2 Lost Treasures."

There is another, lesser known alternate ending, shown when the player finishes the game with $0. Doing so requires very careful planning and is the most difficult ending to obtain. Scrooge is seen sobbing and the newspaper states that he has "lost his fortune in his search for the legendary five treasures. He will use them to rebuild his empire."
DuckTales (Euro)

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Contenu de la ROM :


  • maincpu LR35902 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • LR35902
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Résolution 160 x 144
  • Fréquence 59.732155 Hz
  • Nombre de joueurs 1
  • Nombre de boutons 2
  • Type de contrôle joy (8 ways)
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Screenshots de DuckTales (Euro)

DuckTales (Euro) - Screen 1
DuckTales (Euro) - Screen 2
DuckTales (Euro) - Screen 3
DuckTales (Euro) - Screen 4
DuckTales (Euro) - Screen 5

Les clones de DuckTales (Euro)


Ducktales was developed and published by Capcom.

There were many differences between the beta version of the game and the final release. Many of these differences were seen in the 1990 book Consumer Guide: Hot Tips for the Coolest Nintendo Games. The levels went by different names: Jungle, Ghost House, Underground, Snow Mountain, and Moon Surface. Hamburgers were featured as a powerup instead of ice cream. The coffins in the Ghost House had crosses etched on them instead of R.I.P.(although the "NES Game Atlas" Player's Guide released by Nintendo retained the crosses in its stage maps) The Moon music had a much slower tempo, and the Ghost House had a completely different track. Also GizmoDuck went by his Japanese name RoboDuck. The Japanese version of the game did not feature the censorship present in the western releases of the game.

DuckTales was later ported to the Game Boy. That version features the same gameplay, music and levels with different sound and graphics. The layouts of the levels were changed slightly due to the lower screen resolution.

A sequel, DuckTales 2, followed in 1993. It didn't match the success or popularity of its predecessor, as consumers were focusing on the 16-bit consoles by that time.


DuckTales was released to generally positive reviews, with Electronic Gaming Monthly praising the NES version for its gameplay and colorful graphics, calling it "a prime example of very good game design." The magazine would additionally comment that the title was probably made "with younger players in mind" due to its short length and relative lack of difficulty or complexity, declaring that "you'll probably enjoy this game but find it beaten after the first day of play." Conversely, Mean Machines magazine would call the game "very tough and challenging", elaborating that "it requires plenty of skill to get all the way through the game in one go."Nintendo Power would later call the Game Boy port "a faithful translation from the NES version."

The game was a commercial success, with the NES and Game Boy versions selling approximately 1.67 million and 1.43 million copies worldwide respectively, each becoming Capcom's highest-selling titles for their respective platforms.

Nintendo Power would later list DuckTales as the 13th best Nintendo Entertainment System game in 2008, praising it as fun in spite of being a licensed product. In 2009, website IGN would place DuckTales 10th on its list of the 100 greatest NES games of all time, remarking that "Out of all of the games built on Capcom's famous Mega Man architecture (that wasn't a Mega Man game, that is), Duck Tales is perhaps the best of the bunch." The game would go on to be considered a classic among NES enthusiasts.

HD Remake

On March 22, 2013, Capcom announced at PAX East 2013 that a high-definition remake of the game, DuckTales: Remastered, was being developed by WayForward Technologies. Many of the original game's levels are featured, along with new areas added for the remake and new boss patterns. The game will feature a 2.5D presentation, with 2D characters mixed with 3D-modeled levels, as well as voice acting by the surviving cast members of the animated series. The game will be released for Wii U eShop, Xbox Live Arcade, and PlayStation Network in Summer 2013.

See also

  • List of Disney video games by genre
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