Konkyuu no Hoshi

Arcade 1994 BMC Sports Bowling
As the title says : A bowling game from BMC :-)
Konkyuu no Hoshi

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Contents of the ROM :


  • maincpu 68000 (@ 10 Mhz)
  • AY-3-8910A (@ 1 Mhz)
  • OKI6295 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 232
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 1
  • Number of buttons 1

Konkyuu no Hoshi Screenshots

Konkyuu no Hoshi - Screen 1
Konkyuu no Hoshi - Screen 2
Konkyuu no Hoshi - Screen 3
Konkyuu no Hoshi - Screen 4
Konkyuu no Hoshi - Screen 5

Konkyuu no Hoshi and M.A.M.E.

0.84 [David Haywood]

- The Game is almost playable, especially with NVRAM_HACK (undefine it to get real NVRAM access, but sometimes it's impossible to get back to title screen ).
- Press START(1) OR BUTTON1 to start game , also START(1) or BUTTON1 to bowl / start ( 5 to insert coin(s) , B to bet , D to pay out (?), etc...)

- Press ANALIZER(0) durning boot to enter test menu, then STOP1+STOP2 - sound test menu, BIG(G) - cycle options, DOUBLE(H) - play, STOP1(X),STOP2(C) - change, TAKE(A) - color test, START(1) - exit, BET(B)+START(1) - other tests and START(1) - next test
- Press START(1)+HP(S) durning boot to see stats.
- Press CONFIRM(N) durning boot, to enter settings: BET(B) - change page, STOP1(X)/STOP3(V) - modify, START(1)/SMALL(F) - move and KEY DOWN(D) - default ?

- Scroll (writes to $91800 and VIA port A - not used in game (only in test mode)), music writes ($20-$30 bytes) to $93000-$93003 range, VIA 6522(interrupt gen, ports), Crt, interrupts and missing gfx elements. Source (ID 02583)

- 0.142u3: Changed description to 'Konkyuu no Hoshi'. Angelo Salese removed deprecat.h dependancy and updated irqs accordingly for BMC Bowling driver.
- 0.88: Tomasz Slanina fixed BMC Bowling - Game now playable. Missing music, some wrong gfx. Changed 68000 CPU1 clock speed to 10738635 Hz and visible area to 280x232. Added AY-3-8910 (1789772 Hz) sound. Added dipswitches 'Coinage' and 15x 'DSWx x'.
- 29th September 2004: Tomasz Slanina - Working on BMC Bowling. Not playable, yet...
- 0.84: David Haywood added BMC Bowling (BMC 1994).
- 22nd June 2004: David Haywood sent in a very preliminary driver for BMC Bowling, it doesn't work at all yet.

Romset: 640 kb / 7 files / 224.9 zip
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