Time Pilot

Arcade 1982 Konami Shooter Field
The player controls his plane with the 8- way joystick and shoots at the enemies using the Fire button. Time Pilot consists of 5 different stages of play which are as follows (all these stages are also played in the attract mode unless otherwise noted in the Trivia section below) :

STAGE 1 : A.D. 1910 - The age of Biplane
This stage features an ordinary blue sky with clouds. The attackers are biplanes coming from random directions. Enemy planes shoots at your plane and throw hand grenades when close to you. After 56 biplanes are destroyed, the Mother Ship appears : a giant orange blimp shooting at you! Only 7 hits will destroy the Mother Ship. During the same stage, one to five parachutes will appear. Dock with them for bonus points.

STAGE 2 : A.D. 1940 - The age of Monoplane
Sky is grey-blue with the same clouds.
Enemies are monoplane fighters, middle-size bombers and large bomber (Mother Ship). Middle-size bombers are aiming constantly at your plane! They can be destroyed by 4 hits and award 1500 points.

STAGE 3 : A.D. 1970 - The age of Helicopter
Sky is once again grey-blue, only this time a different shade. The same clouds from the first two stages are also present here.
Enemies now are helicopters and large one (Mother Ship). As a new level of difficulty, the helicopters are using homing missiles.

STAGE 4 : A.D. 1982 - The age of Jetplane
The sky is purple with the same clouds as the previous three stages.
The enemies are modern jet fighters shooting and launching homing missiles. A modern large jet bomber is the Mother Ship. This is one of the most difficult stages of the game due to increased speed of jet fighters and random direction attacks.

STAGE 5 : A.D. 2001 - The age of UFO.
The sky is pitch black with asteroids instead of clouds.
Hard to be reached and very hard to be passed. Great number of UFO's are attacking from any direction changing their angles of attack and throwing at your plane two types of Alien Weapons. The stage is fast paced and the Mother Ship, a superfortress UFO, can not be so easily destroyed. In addition, there are no enemy formations or parachutes in this stage, and there can be no more than 3 UFO's on the screen at a time.

The next, Stage 6, is identical with Stage 1, but the number of planes attacking you, their speed and number of shots and grenades are gradually increased.

TIME PILOT continues with Stage 7, 8... making your mission harder and harder. The game is all over when all your planes are destroyed.
Time Pilot

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Contents of the ROM :


  • maincpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • tpsound Z80 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • Time Pilot Audio
  • AY-3-8910A (@ 1 Mhz)
  • AY-3-8910A (@ 1 Mhz)
  • RC Filter
  • RC Filter
  • RC Filter
  • RC Filter
  • RC Filter
  • RC Filter
  • Orientation Tate
  • Resolution 255 x 224
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 1
  • Kind of controler joy (8 ways)

Time Pilot Screenshots

Time Pilot - Screen 1
Time Pilot - Screen 2
Time Pilot - Screen 3
Time Pilot - Screen 4
Time Pilot - Screen 5

Clones of Time Pilot

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Scoring for Time Pilot

Biplane/Fighter/Helicopter/Jet/UFO : 100 points.
Bomb/Missile : 100 points.
Mother Ship : 3000 points.
Bomber (Stage 2 only) : 1500 points.
Formation Bonus : 2000 points.
Parachute : 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000 points.

Tips on Time Pilot

l. Control your plane with joystick. Avoid being hit by bullets, bombs and missiles. Do not crash into enemy planes.
2. Advance to next stage by destroying 56 enemies and 7 hits on Mother Ship.
3. Dock with parachutes for bonus points.
4. Bonus plane after 10,000 points, 60,000-points and each additional 50,000 points.
5. Game over when all of your planes are destroyed.

* The enemy planes/ships find it hardest to shoot you when you are moving in a diagonal direction, so move this way the majority of the time. Just remember to watch your back!

* Since your ship is very maneuverable you can turn through 180 degrees very quickly to pick off an enemy directly behind you. Simply move the joystick or use the keys to face in the opposite direction and you will flip round.

* Homing missiles - keep firing to destroy them. Alternatively, move your fighter so that the missiles move off screen, and they do not return.

* The Mother Ships always move horizontally across the screen. Wait until they pass you, and then move directly behind them. You can then shoot them at will to destroy them. Again, it takes 7 hits to destroy a Mother Ship.

* Concentrate on collecting the parachutists where possible, as these represent your biggest potential points haul. On Stage 2 (A.D. 1940), you can leave a few planes remaining and collect parachutists for as long as possible, as this stage has no homing missiles and also more parachutists than Stage 1.

* If you are killed by colliding with an enemy ship you are registered with the points as if you had shot it. This means extra lives are still awarded and also if you collide with the Mother Ship, you will advance to the next stage, providing you have at least one life remaining.

* A Way To Get A Great Score : Finish Stage 1 (A.D. 1910) as soon as possible. On Stage 2 (A.D. 1940), don't shoot anything!! Eventually, parachutes will start to appear. Collect the parachutes while avoiding the planes. Each parachute (after #4) will give you 5,000 points. It's possible to roll the machine over (999,999+ points) while remaining on Stage 2 using this strategy. By the way, while using this cheat you can also shoot the 1,500 point bombers without causing the time bar to be shortened.

Time Pilot and M.A.M.E.

0.12 [Nicola Salmoria, Mike Cuddy, Alan J. Mccormick]

- 0.144u7: Kanikani updated Time Pilot dipswitches.
- 16th April 2011: Mr. Do - Time Pilot was a real group effort. Aaron Giles first purchased and scanned this over three years ago. Ad_Enuff took care of the background and color matching, Zorg vectored all the vehicles, Jcroach vectored all the clouds, and thanks to my job laying me off for a week, I was able to finish up the asteroids to complete it.
- 0.135u3: Fabio Priuli added common driver data struct to Time Pilot driver.
- 0.130u3: Removed 3rd coin slot.
- 0.122u8: Changed palettesize to 384 colors.
- 0.93: Added 6x RC_Filter.
- 0.79u1: Chris Hardy added clone Time Pilot (Atari).
- 20th January 2004: Chris Hardy added an Atari version of Time Pilot.
- 0.37b12: Accurate emulation of sprite multiplexing in Time Pilot [Nicola Salmoria].
- 22nd August 1999: Nicola fixed Time Pilot graphics.
- 0.35b8: Implemented the RC filters in early Konami games (Time Pilot, Pooyan, etc.) [Zsolt Vasvari]. Changed Z80 CPU clock speed to 1.789772 MHz.
- 18th March 1999: Zsolt Vasvari has added RC filter functions to all the games which use the Time Pilot sound board (early Konami games like Time Pilot, Pooyan, etc).
- 12th March 1999: Nicola Salmoria converted Time Pilot to tilemap system and fixed a few bugs along the way.
- 0.34b7: Nicola Salmoria added clone Time Pilot (Centuri).
- 0.34b1: Added color proms ($0, 20, 40, 140 - 2x palette, sprite and char lookup table).
- 0.33b7: Changed description of clone 'Space Pilot (bootleg Time Pilot)' to 'Space Pilot'.
- 0.31: Jim Hernandez fixed music tempo and pitch in Time Pilot.
- 0.29: Clouds in Time Pilot are correct [Edward Massey].
- 0.27: Changed description of clone 'Space Pilot' to 'Space Pilot (bootleg Time Pilot)'.
- 0.22: Time Pilot has now 100% correct colors (thanks Alan J. McCormick!).
- 0.18: Some changes to music tempo in Time Pilot [Nicola Salmoria].
- 0.16: Nicola Salmoria solve the problem with garbled text messages in Time Pilot, modified the GameDriver structure replacing letters_start and numbers_start with the array charset[36].
- 0.15: Sound support in Time Pilot [Nicola Salmoria]. All these require -frameskip 1 on my 486/100. I have no idea how accurate the tempo and pitch is. If you can compare it with a real machine, please let me know what's wrong. Added audio CPU rom tm7.
- 0.14: Nicola Salmoria added high score saving to Time Pilot.
- 0.12: Nicola Salmoria added Time Pilot (Konami 1982) and Space Pilot (bootleg). The games runs on the same hardware as Pooyan. Colors come straight from Mike Cuddy's emulator. Game is playable with wrong colors and no sound. Control: Arrows = Move around and CTRL = Fire. Known issues: The ROM copyright message and the dipswitch menu are unreadable. Time Pilot doesn't have consecutive letters in the graphics ROms, I'll have to modify my text routines to handle that. This game uses double-width sprites for the clouds, but I haven't yet figured out they are selected. The code is currently a hack - just double the sprites which I know are used for clouds. The memory mapped read port at c000 puzzles me.

ARCADE RELEASE: Time Pilot (Konami) - 1982/Nov

LEVELS: 5 (endless)

Other Emulators:
* HiVE
* Retrocade

Romset: 53 kb / 11 files / 27.4 zip
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