Tech Romancer (USA 980914)

Arcade 1998 Capcom Fighter Versus
A futuristic robotic fighting game from Capcom.
Tech Romancer (USA 980914)

Partager Tech Romancer (USA 980914)


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  • maincpu CXD8661R (@ 100 Mhz)
  • audiocpu Z80 (@ 8 Mhz)
  • SPU (@ 33 Mhz)
  • Q-Sound (@ 4 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 255
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 6
  • Kind of controler joy (8 ways)

Tech Romancer (USA 980914) Screenshots

Tech Romancer (USA 980914) - Screen 1
Tech Romancer (USA 980914) - Screen 2
Tech Romancer (USA 980914) - Screen 3
Tech Romancer (USA 980914) - Screen 4
Tech Romancer (USA 980914) - Screen 5

Clones of Tech Romancer (USA 980914)

Tips on Tech Romancer (USA 980914)

Time-release bypass : You must have access to the machine's test mode to use these codes (Note : There may be 2 test modes available on the machine. It's not the Service Mode dip switch).

* Enable Gourai Early
It normally takes 200 hours for Gourai to become available. If you have access to the machine's test mode, you can enable Gourai in less than 5 minutes.
1. Enter the Sound & Voice menu in test mode.
2. Input this code with the Player 2 controls : Left, Left, Right, Right, Guard, A, B (a sound will indicate that the code was correctly entered).
3. Exit test mode without any other modifications.
Gourai will now be the middle character on the character select screen.

* Enable Dark Pulsion, Dixen EX, and Wise Duck Olrosso early. It normally takes 600 hours for Dark Pulsion, Dixen EX, and Wise Duck Olrosso to become available. If you have access to the machine's test mode, you can enable Dark Pulsion, Dixen EX, and Wise Duck Olrosso in less than 10 minutes.
1. Follow the steps in the 'Enable Gourai Early' code if you haven't already done so.
2. Enter the Color menu in test mode.
3. Input this code with the Player 2 controls : Down, Down, Up, Up, B, A, Guard (a sound will indicate that the code was correctly entered).
4. Exit test mode without any other modifications.
Dark Pulsion, Dixen EX, and Wise Duck Olrosso will be available to the right of Rafaga, but will only be usable in Hero Challenge mode.

Tech Romancer (USA 980914) and M.A.M.E.

0.102u2 [Arzeno Fabrice]
0.74u2 [?]
0.72 [?]
0.37b7 [?]

- You can only enter service mode if you press F2 during the startup screen. Layne (ID 00794)

- 0.144u4: Changed description of clone 'Kikaioh (Japan 980914)' to 'Choukou Senki Kikaioh (Japan 980914)'.
- 0.133u1: Renamed (techromu) to (techromnu).
- 0.102u2: Arzeno Fabrice added Tech Romancer (EURO 980914). Renamed (techromn) to (techromu).
- 0.82u2: Tourniquet, Olivier Galibert, smf, R. Belmont, [red], Malice, Renegade, Twisty, Dox, BUT and many other board users helped out to find the missing ZN protection key - Game now playable.
- 0.74u2: Added Tech Romancer (USA 980914) (Capcom 1998) and clone Kikaioh (JAPAN 980914).
- 0.72: Added Tech Romancer (USA 980914) (Testdriver).
- 0.37b7: Added Kikaioh (JAPAN 980914) (Testdriver).

Other Emulators:
* ZiNc

Romset: 54016 kb / 10 files / 36.5 zip
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