Space Launcher

Arcade 1979 Nintendo Maze
Frogger before Frogger? Nintendo takes on another popular early game genre (missile shooting upwards) and gives it its own twist : both there and back.
Space Launcher

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Contents of the ROM :


  • maincpu 8080 (@ 2 Mhz)
  • audiocpu I8035 (@ 6 Mhz)
  • DAC
  • SN76477
  • Orientation Tate
  • Resolution 255 x 224
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 1
  • Kind of controler joy (2 ways)

Space Launcher Screenshots

Space Launcher - Screen 1
Space Launcher - Screen 2
Space Launcher - Screen 3
Space Launcher - Screen 4
Space Launcher - Screen 5

Scoring for Space Launcher

Knocking out ships : 50-100 points (first two attempts)
Landing in top docks : points above docking station
Safely Landing on the ground : 500 points
Point values increase as you become more successful.

Tips on Space Launcher

* Use rockets to get up faster. Lay off the rockets only to get around a moving mine or to avoid ramming an enemy ship.

* Spend as little time underneath a ship as you can. Enemy shots move quickly in this game.

* When you start going downward, don't go sideways until after you've hit one of the upper level ships. Your ship isn't immune to the sides of the docking station.

* Again, use the rockets. Again, missiles move fast and it is best to be speeding away from the ships. You also get to the ground faster.

Space Launcher and M.A.M.E.

0.79u1 [Pierpaolo Prazzoli]

- 0.145u1: hap fixed missing sfx in Space Launcher.
- 0.141u1: Qwi Jibo fixed Space Launcher - Game now playable. Fixed I8085 inte callback not being called when the IE flag was cleared after the CPU received an interrupt. This fixes interrupts in Space Launcher.
- 0.82u2: Stefan Jokisch decided to add the color prom from Space Fever to Space Launcher.
- 0.80u2: Stefan Jokisch properly hooked up correct I8035 sound CPU and SN76477 sound (needs to be verified) and support colors in Space Launcher (needs its color PROM dumped). Implemented red screen flash. Added cocktail mode and documented diagnostic ROM location. Changed 8080 CPU1 clock speed to 2016000 Hz, palettesize from 2 to 8 colors and added dipswitches 'Bonus Life' and 4x 'Unused'.
- 0.79u1: Pierpaolo Prazzoli added Space Launcher (Nintendo 1979).

LEVELS: 1 (endless)

Romset: 10 kb / 10 files / 7.67 zip
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