Operation Wolf (World, set 2)

Arcade 1987 Taito Corporation Japan Shooter Gun
Operation Wolf is a light-gun game in which the player takes on the role of a soldier and must infiltrate an enemy army base. The object is to capture six bases and to save any hostages encountered on the way.

Each mission begins with the player carrying a limited amount of machine gun bullets and rockets, but extra ammunition can be collected by shooting any gun magazines or rockets that appear on screen.

Any civilians or hostages that the player shoots will result in a reduction to the player's health meter (which is displayed on the right-hand side of the screen). Farm animals, in the form of a chicken and a pig, will occasionally run across the screen; Shooting these will reveal bonus items such as health or ammunition.

Once the game is completed, the player is returned to the first mission, but with an increased level of difficulty.
Operation Wolf (World, set 2)

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Contents of the ROM :


  • maincpu 68000 (@ 8 Mhz)
  • audiocpu Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • YM2151 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • MSM5205 (@ 0 Mhz)
  • MSM5205 (@ 0 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 240
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 1
  • Number of buttons 2
  • Kind of controler lightgun

Operation Wolf (World, set 2) Screenshots

Operation Wolf (World, set 2) - Screen 1
Operation Wolf (World, set 2) - Screen 2
Operation Wolf (World, set 2) - Screen 3
Operation Wolf (World, set 2) - Screen 4
Operation Wolf (World, set 2) - Screen 5

Clones of Operation Wolf (World, set 2)

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Tips on Operation Wolf (World, set 2)

* Time your grenade shots to wipe out more than one enemy vehicle at a time. It is rarely smart to use a grenade on a single vehicle. Grenades are not plentiful enough to use in this fashion.

* When the large, blond enemy soldiers (with toting large machine guns) appear in stage four (Ammo Dump), shooting them in the face will take them down quickly. Otherwise, a grenade or lots of bullets will be required. Also in stage four, keep a stream of fire going just to the right corner of the mortar behind the sandbags. You will plug the guy shooting at you early and you will not be distracted by incoming mortar fire.

* Each round cleared heals three damage points and the village round heals twenty damage points. If you are playing on a generous machine (mucho power drinks) or an easy machine and you are a great shot, you may have less than three damage points near the end of the first stage (enemy radar) or less than twenty damage points near the end of the village scene. If so, leave one helicopter alive. When it flies on screen, pump it with nine bullets. This gives you points and you can finish it with one shot if you need to. The helicopters often take just one damage point and take a long time to deliver their damage. All the while they do this, power drinks, grenades, and ammunition may show up so you can stock up before the round has to end. Blow-up the helicopter when you have three or twenty damage points depending on the round.

* On the fifth stage (Concentration Camp), you are likely to finish this round shooting foot soldiers. If you are a good shot, wait until they flash. Sometimes, the enemies do not flash or shoot. The longer you delay the end of the round, the more likely you are to have ammo, grenades, and power drinks drift into the scene.

* If you play a game that allows you to select the scene in which you fight, choose the village when you have 15-20 damage points so you can make the most of the village's healing bonus where twenty damage points will be removed. Also, do not select the ammo dump. It uses more ammo than it gives, delivers inevitable damage to you, and the three helicopters the ammo dump sends to reinforce the final round are nothing compared to the onslaught you face at the ammo dump.

Operation Wolf (World, set 2) and M.A.M.E.

0.95u3 [Corrado Tomaselli, Bryan McPhail]
0.37b11 [David Graves, Jarek Burczynski]

Artwork available

- Press F2 + F3 for Test-Mode

- opwolf, opwolfa, opwolfu: Reference video and PCB info. Smitdogg (ID 03044)

- 0.145u4: hap fixed various remaining regressions with device tag strcmp. This fixes music and sound effects in Operation Wolf are completely messed up.
- 0.141u3: Atari Ace moved code to a new file/include to be referenced in multiple drivers (Operation Wolf driver).
- 11th July 2010: Dr. Decapitator - Work has started on the C-Chip that Taito used in games such as Operation Wolf.
- 0.137u2: Howard Casto hooked up Gun Recoil outputs for Operation Wolf.
- 0.136u1: Fabio Priuli added driver data struct to Operation Wolf.
- 0.131u3: Guru added Operation Wolf README.
- 0.131u1: Angelo Salese merged memory maps in Operation Wolf.
- 0.130u2: Guru added clone Operation Wolf (Japan).
- 0.126u4: Changed 68000 CPU1 clock speed to 8MHz.
- 0.119u1: Stephane Humbert added some notes to Operation Wolf driver.
- 0.119: David Haywood added clone Operation Wolf (World, set 2). I don't know what this set changes. There is a single byte changed near the end of the roms, just after the copyright strings, however, it is not the region byte. This set came from a 100% legitimate Taito PCB with original labels. It would be easy just to write this off as a bad read / hacked rom but the bootleg version has exactly the same change and the label is different (b20-17 instead of b20-20) so this seems unlikely. Changed parent description to 'Operation Wolf (World, set 1)' and clone 'Operation Bear' to 'Operation Bear (bootleg of Operation Wolf)'.
- 10th September 2007: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Operation Wolf (World, set 2).
- 0.118u3: Stephane Humbert cleaned up several Taito drivers to use common input port macros. Fixed the dipwitches for all games (a few still remain unknown though) and added many notes. Improved the C-chip emulation for "Operation Wolf" and its clones so it can now handle multiple coinage settings.
- 25th March 2007: Mr. Do - Operation Wolf bezel was done this week; thanks to the BYOAC group purchase.
- 0.104u4: Adam Bousley fixed save states in Operation Wolf.
- 0.98u1: Nicola Salmoria fixed crash in Operation Wolf due to improper timer usage.
- 0.97u1: Bryan McPhail added proper C-chip emulation to Operation Wolf (machine\opwolf.c). Added 2nd sound channel. Removed Z80 CPU3 and cpu3 rom. Fixed different gun offsets of the World version.
- 0.95u3: Bryan McPhail added Operation Wolf (World). Renamed (opwolf) to (opwolfu).
- 13th April 2005: Corrado Tomaselli dumped Operation Wolf (World).
- 0.93u2: Nicola Salmoria fixed sound in Operation Wolf.
- 0.93: Changed ADPCM sound to MSM5205 (384000 Hz).
- 0.61: Light gun support [Bryan McPhail].
- 30th March 2001: David Graves and Jarek Burczynski fixed a few bugs and added state saving support to Rainbow Islands, Rastan and Operation Wolf.
- 0.37b13: Changed description of clone 'Operation Wolf (bootleg)' to 'Operation Bear' (bootleg 1987).
- 0.37b11: David Graves and Jarek Burczynski added Operation Wolf (US) (Taito 1987) and clone (bootleg). TODO: There are a few unmapped writes for the sound Z80 in the log. What number should be returned for the c-chip Z80 interrupt? RAINE source has standard Asuka/Mofflot sprite/tile priority: 0x2000 in sprite_ctrl puts all sprites under top bg layer. But RAINE simply kludges in this value, failing to read it from a register. So what is controlling priority.
- 23rd December 2000: Gerardo Oporto fixed dipswitch settings in Operation Wolf / Thunderbolt and the dual screen games.
- 7th December 2000: David Graves sent in a working Operation Wolf driver done by him and Jarek Burczynski.
- 11th November 2000: David Graves sent in preliminary Operation Wolf / Operation Thunderbolt drivers, however only Operation Thunderbolt works.


Other Emulators:
* FB Alpha
* Raine

Romset: 1856 kb / 8 files / 822.4 zip
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