
Arcade 1998 Midway Games Driving Race (chase view)
Midway's futuristic arcade hover-racing game. Hyperdrive features custom arcade controls and state-of-the-art 3-D graphics.

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Contents of the ROM :


  • maincpu R5000 (little) (@ 200 Mhz)
  • dcs2 ADSP-2115 (@ 16 Mhz)
  • DMA-driven DAC
  • DMA-driven DAC
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 255
  • Frequency 57 Hz
  • Number of players 1
  • Number of buttons 5
  • Kind of controler
    1. joy (2 ways)
    2. joy (2 ways)
    3. joy (2 ways)

Tips on Hyperdrive

* Mirror Mode : Press View1 during the track select screen. Mirror mode flips the track right to left, so that all the right-hand turns become left-hand turns and vice versa.

* Expert Mode : Press View2 during the track select screen. Expert mode turns off the 'catch-up' code, so there is no computer help for the players that are behind. This is for players who want a fair-and-square head-to-head race without any computer assistance. Also in expert mode, the green guide boxes for the boost zones are disabled, and the 'help boxes', that pop are disabled.

* Mirror Mode and Expert Mode can both be active at the same time. Just hold down View1 and View2 at the same time during the track select screen.

* No Drones Mode : Press View1 during the ship select screen. This mode is included for the really good players who want the race solely the result of head-to-head racing, without the chance of the race being influenced by one person getting bumped by a drone, or by the drones clustering around one person and not the other.

* Cruise Control : If the player doesn't step on the gas pedal at the start of the game, then the game will automatically keep the gas pedal at 80% of max speed.

* Barrel Rolls : Double-tapping the yellow buttons makes the ship roll to the right and left. The player gets a small but useful speed boost if he can pull off a barrel roll.

* Afterburner : Double-tapping the gas pedal makes the ship speed up and the exhaust flare up.

Hyperdrive and M.A.M.E.

0.81u5 [Aaron Giles]

HardDisk required

- Sound level not accurate until - or = button pressed. john_iv (ID 02032)
- Despite of successful calibration the brake button doesn't function. Scagazza (ID 00470)

- 1st June 2009: Smitdogg - We got some old Hyperdrive chips (U32 Rev1.1 and U33 Rev1.2) thanks to Incog. I'm not sure if they require an older hard drive dump or not.
- 0.130u2: Removed 2nd Player. Added buttons 5.
- 0.84u2: Added missing harddisk image - Game now playable. Added 'Brake' dipswitch. Changed input to Stick, 4 Buttons and 4 Coin Slots.
- 9th July 2004: Aaron Giles - Finally the last Seattle game Hyperdrive showed up on my doorstep yesterday. There are still some issues to figure out (you can't start a game yet), but the attract mode came up nice and quick.
- 0.81u5: Aaron Giles added Hyperdrive (Midway Games 1998).

Romset: 544 kb / 2 files / 118.1 zip
Harddisk: 18.6 GB (CYLS: 2434, HEADS: 255, SECS: 63 - Compressed: 358.9)
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