Gun.Smoke (World)

Arcade 1985 Capcom Shooter Walking
A vertically scrolling shoot-em-up set in the Wild West, in which the player takes the role of a Billy; a young Sheriff charged with hunting down and killing a number of infamous 'Wanted' outlaws.

Each level is packed with gun-toting bandits and the Sheriff must shoot his way through the stage, before finally taking on the wanted outlaw 'boss' character at the end. Each outlaw wields a special weapon unique to them, such as a Winchester rifle, knives, darts or boomerangs.

Shooting the barrels that litter the levels reveals power-ups such as boots (for extra speed), rifles (for increased range) and bullets (for rapid fire). The game's 3 directional fire buttons (for firing left, right or ahead) can be combined (pressed Simultaneously) to create a total of 8 different firing directions.
Gun.Smoke (World)

Partager Gun.Smoke (World)


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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • audiocpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • YM2203 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • YM2203 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • Orientation Tate
  • Resolution 255 x 224
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 3
  • Kind of controler joy (8 ways)

Gun.Smoke (World) Screenshots

Gun.Smoke (World) - Screen 1
Gun.Smoke (World) - Screen 2
Gun.Smoke (World) - Screen 3
Gun.Smoke (World) - Screen 4
Gun.Smoke (World) - Screen 5

Clones of Gun.Smoke (World)

Tips on Gun.Smoke (World)

* An Interesting Bug : When you're on Level 2, make sure you have a horse when you kill Roy Knife. Once he is dead, walk over his corpse and your horse will be killed. Roy raises from the dead as a sort of indestructible zombie. You can shoot him as much as you like, but he won't die. In this way you can play until you get tired of it.

* Secrect Character : If the total of inserted credit (NOT current credit) is a multiple of 16 (16, 32, 48...), the secret character 'Aka-jirou' (Red-dragonfly) appears and you can get 10000 pts when you kill it.
The number of dragonflies at one time is changed by current total inserted credit, for example : 64 credits = 4 dragonflies, 128 credits = 8 dragonfiles.
But in case of 256 credits, 50 dragonflies appear instead of 16!

Gun.Smoke (World) and M.A.M.E.

0.30 [Nicola Salmoria]
0.29 [Paul Leaman]

Artwork available

- 0.142u3: Angelo Salese removed deprecat.h dependancy and updated irqs accordingly for Gun.Smoke.
- 0.135u3: Fabio Priuli added driver data struct to Gun.Smoke.
- 0.133u1: Renamed (gunsmoku) to (gunsmokeu), (gunsmoka) to (gunsmokeua) and (gunsmokj) to (gunsmokej).
- 9th July 2008: Mr. Do - After a long search, Gus finally tracked down an instruction card for Gunsmoke, scanned by nocashvalue.
- 0.123u1: Changed palettesize to 640 colors.
- 16th December 2007: Mr. Do - Finally, something I want to start doing is adding in marquees as part of the artwork. We've already had marquees for Chase HQ, plus the Neo Geo and Beatmania games, but they also had an alternate purpose to be there. So today is the first game that has a marquee "just because:" Gunsmoke.
- 0.112u1: Vas Crabb added save state support to Gun.Smoke.
- 0.91u2: Nicola Salmoria fixed Gun.Smoke transparency.
- 0.88u1: Curt Coder cleaned up driver, converted Gunsmoke to use tilemaps, merged memory maps, fixed inputs/dips based on manuals and removed GUNSMOKE_HACK and fake dips. Removed 'Starting Level' and 'Unused' dipswitches.
- 0.62: Removed 3rd coin slot. Renamed (gunsmrom) to (gunsmoku). Added 'Starting Level' and 2x 'Unused' dipswitches.
- 28th August 2002: Stephane Humbert fixed some dipswitches in the Gunsmoke driver.
- 25th August 2000: Zsolt Vasvari converted Fire Trap, '1943' and Gun Smoke to the tilemap system.
- 0.37b6: Added proms ($800, 900 - video timing and priority?).
- 0.36b13: Paul Leaman fixed crash at the end of Gun Smoke level 3.
- 0.35b13: Changed parent and clone descriptions to 'Gun.Smoke'.
- 0.34b8: Nicola Salmoria added clone Gunsmoke (US set 2), without the reset bug. Changed description of clone 'Gunsmoke (US)' to '(US set 1)'. Note: All the sets are almost identical apart from (US set 2) which is quite different: the levels are in a different order, and the "Demonstration" dipswitch has no effect.
- 0.33b6: Added proms ($0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700 - red, red, blue component, char lookup table, tile lookup table, tile palette bank, sprite lookup table and sprite palette bank). Changed description to 'Gunsmoke (World)' and clones '(Romstar)' to 'Gunsmoke (US)' and '(Japanese)' to '(Japan)'.
- 0.31: Known issues: At the end of level 3 (Ninja Stars), if you go to the extreme right of the screen, the game resets. This could well be a bug of the original. The game doesn't seem to reset if you stay away from the right of the screen.
- 0.30: Nicola Salmoria added Gunsmoke (Capcom). Marco Cassili added clone Gunsmoke (Japanese). Nicola Salmoria fixed sprites in Gunsmoke. Accurate colors in Gunsmoke [Paul Swan, Nicola Salmoria]. Juan Carlos Lorente high score saving to Gunsmoke. Changed 'Gunsmoke' to clone 'Gunsmoke (Romstar)'. Renamed (gunsmoke) to (gunsmrom).
- 30th October 1997: Dumped Gunsmoke by Capcom (1985).
- 0.29: Paul Leaman added Gunsmoke (Romstar 1985). Known issues: The difficulty setting dip switch might be wrong.


Other Emulators:
* CottAGE
* FB Alpha
* JEmu2

Romset: 691 kb / 32 files / 228.4 zip
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