Food Fight (rev 3)

Arcade 1982 General Computer Corporation (Atari license) Fighter Field
The player, as Charley Chuck, must dodge all kinds of flying fruit and vegetables and try to eat an ice cream cone before it melts. How many ice cream cones can he eat? Your players will soon find out in this incredible video feast. As an ice cream cone melts on the other side of the screen, Charley Chuck just naturally has to go for it, But he must get past Oscar, Angelo, Jacques and Zorba, four chefs who unexpectedly pop out of holes, chase Charley Chuck and throw food at him. They all have different personalities and they're all out to stop Charley Chuck if he isn't fast enough. There are piles of tomatoes, peas, bananas, pies and watermelon Charley Chuck can use to defend himself from the persistent chefs. The player controls Charley Chuck with an analog joystick which allows 360 degree movement on the playfield, and a Throw button, used when Charley Chuck needs to throw food at one of the chefs.
Food Fight (rev 3)

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  • maincpu 68000 (@ 6 Mhz)
  • pokey1 POKEY (@ 0 Mhz)
  • pokey2 POKEY (@ 0 Mhz)
  • pokey3 POKEY (@ 0 Mhz)
  • POKEY (@ 0 Mhz)
  • POKEY (@ 0 Mhz)
  • POKEY (@ 0 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 224
  • Frequency 60.810811 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 1
  • Kind of controler stick

Food Fight (rev 3) Screenshots

Food Fight (rev 3) - Screen 1
Food Fight (rev 3) - Screen 2
Food Fight (rev 3) - Screen 3
Food Fight (rev 3) - Screen 4
Food Fight (rev 3) - Screen 5

Clones of Food Fight (rev 3)

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Scoring for Food Fight (rev 3)

Hit chefs with food : 100 to 1,000 points.
Chef falls into hole : 200 points.
Eat the ice cream cone (levels 1-49) : Level x 500 points .
Eat the ice cream cone (levels 50 and above) : 25,000 points.
Unused food at end of level : 100 points each.

Tips on Food Fight (rev 3)

Free men are awarded at 25,000 and at 100,000 thereafter.

The best way to get the ice cream in the later levels (level 85 or above) is to use the diagonal method. If you are placed close to a corner, run diagonally toward the lower wall and then diagonally upward toward the cone. Hopefully there will be some food placed between you and the chefs.

In later levels, it is NOT advised to try and target the chefs coming toward you. The only chef you need to concentrate on is the one running toward the ice cream in front of you.

Food Fight (rev 3) and M.A.M.E.

0.30 [Aaron Giles]

Artwork available

- The first time you run the game, it will say 'NVRAM FAILED:...'. Press P1 Button 1 to proceed. The NVRAM will be automatically initialized. Exit with F2.

- Player always faces right when standing still. MAMEBase (ID 02681)

- 0.147u2: Initial round of atarigen cleanup/modernization [Aaron Giles].
- 0.146: Couriersud improved sound emulation for POKEY chip. Changed audio emulation to emulate borrow 3 clock delay and proper channel reset. New frequency only becomes effective after the counter hits 0. Emulation also treats counters as 8 bit counters which are linked now instead of monolytic 16 bit counters. Fixed high pass filters for POKEY. Added POKEYN device based on modern device. Fixed random lfsr generation. Consolidated polynom code. Removed legacy left overs from pokey code. Added a internal pokey_channel class. Convert all remaining drivers to use the modern pokey device.
- 0.145u7: Food Fight was developed by GCC [hap]. Changed manufacturer to 'General Computer Corporation (Atari license)'.
- 0.139u4: Aaron Giles converted X2212 to a modern device. Changed X2212 device to return unmapped bits for the upper 4 bits. Added e2prom address space to X2212 so that the latched contents can be viewed. Hooked up X2212 in Food Fight.
- 0.139u1: Aaron Giles changed atarigen_state to be a base class from which all the related Atari drivers derive their state from.
- 0.135u4: Some more Atari driver shuffling [Aaron Giles]: Added atarigen_init() function which allocates all timers and registers for save states. Updated all drivers to call it. Converted some drivers to use device timers.
- 0.135u3: Aaron Giles converted atari drivers over to using driver_data for the most part. Some shared systems still exist with globals, but this tackles the atarigen module and the variables local to each driver.
- 0.133u1: Brian Troha added DIP locations to Food Fight and clones.
- 9th July 2008: Mr. Do - Fixed the colors in Food Fight, along with some errors in the instructions.
- 15th July 2007: Mr. Do - We have a Food Fight bezel courtesy of the BYOAC/CAG artwork.
- 0.114: Couriersud added general save state support to the atarigen module.
- 0.113u2: Aaron Giles cleaned up the Food Fight driver, giving it complete memory maps, finished implementing sprite/playfield priorities and corrected timing - sort of. Changed 68000 CPU1 clock speed to 6048000 Hz, the 3x POKEY to 604800 Hz and VSync to 60.810811 Hz. Added prom ($0).
- 0.105u4: Fixed rom names.
- 0.79u1: Cleaned up Food Fight driver [Aaron Giles].
- 0.74u2: Aaron Giles added clones Food Fight (rev 2) and (cocktail). Changed parent description to 'Food Fight (rev 3)'. Fixed rom names and cpu1 rom loading.
- 6th October 2003: Aaron Giles cleaned up the Food Fight driver and added a few clones to it.
- 0.37b15: Added dipswitches 'Bonus Coins', 'Coin A/B' and 'Coinage'.
- 25th April 2001: Aaron Giles cleaned up the Food Fight driver.
- 0.31: Aaron Giles fixed service mode in Food Fight.
- 0.30: Aaron Giles added Food Fight (Atari 1982).
- 2nd May 1993: Dumped Food Fight (rev 3).

LEVELS: 99 (endless)

Other Emulators:
* Retrocade

Romset: 89 kb / 12 files / 45.5 zip
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