Zhong Guo Long (Japan, V021J)

Arcade 1995 IGS / Alta Puzzle Match *Mature*
Dong Fang Zhi Zhu is a variation of Mahjong Solitaire. The objective is to clear the board of all of the tiles by finding matching sets of three before the time limit is up. Tiles are removed from the board into the player's hand, shown in the lower left corner of the screen. The player can hold up to seven tiles in his hand. If he cannot make a match of three tiles in that hand then the game is over.

The player also has a number of items to help him clear the board, the question mark will reveal the set of three tiles that can be removed from the board in the least number of moves. The down pointing arrow will back up the game by one move. And the bomb will remove one set of tiles from the board matching a tile in the player's hand whether those tiles may be removed legally or not.

In the background there is an image of a girl. Each girl has three stages, after the first stage the girl will wink at the player, after the second she will strip off her top, and after the third she will remove her bottom. After the third stage the player can play a mini-game for bonus points.

Upon continuing the player will be given one of each item and the choice of whether to continue with the current board or to start over with a new one.
Zhong Guo Long (Japan, V021J)

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Contents of the ROM :


  • maincpu 68000 (@ 7 Mhz)
  • OKI6295 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • YM3812 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 240
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 3
  • Kind of controler joy (8 ways)

Zhong Guo Long (Japan, V021J) Screenshots

Zhong Guo Long (Japan, V021J) - Screen 1
Zhong Guo Long (Japan, V021J) - Screen 2
Zhong Guo Long (Japan, V021J) - Screen 3
Zhong Guo Long (Japan, V021J) - Screen 4
Zhong Guo Long (Japan, V021J) - Screen 5

Clones of Zhong Guo Long (Japan, V021J)

Zhong Guo Long (Japan, V021J) and M.A.M.E.

0.102u1 [Luca Elia]
0.74u2 [?]
0.68 [?]

Artwork available

- 0.138u3: Changed 'Open Girl?' dipswitch to 'Nudity'.
- 0.138u2: Luca Elia fixed dipswitches in Dragon World. Added dipswitches 'Open Girl?' and 'Bang Turtle?'.
- 0.133u2: f205v, Olivier Galibert and David Haywood added clone Dragon World (World, V021O). Changed description to 'Dragon World (World, V040O)' and clone 'Dragon World (World, V030O)'. Renamed (chindrag) to (drgnwrldv21j), (drgwrld3) to (drgnwrldv30), (chindrac) to (drgnwrldv10c), (chindrah) to (drgnwrldv11h) and (chugokur) to (drgnwrldv20j). Added dipswitches 'Tiles' and 'Unknown'.
- 25th June 2009: f205v dumped Dragon World (World, V021O). The PCB is perfectly working, empty spaces and empty sockets are clearly intended to be empty.
- 0.127u1: dyq changed description of clone 'Zhong Guo Long? (Hong Kong, V011H)' to 'Dong Fang Zhi Zhu (Hong Kong, V011H)', which means "oriental pearl".
- 0.126u5: Luca Elia added clone Zhong Guo Long? (Hong Kong, V011H). Changed description of clone 'Zhong Guo Long (China, V0303)' to 'Zhong Guo Long (China, V010C)'. Luca Elia fixed clone Zhong Guo Long (China, V010C) - Game now playable. Luca Elia fixed crash, when you continue by inserting credit and play in clone (World, V0300). Added 7x 'Unknown' dipswitches.
- 10th August 2008: Luca Elia - I've taken another look at the IGS_Blit driver, thanks to Pierpaolo. I took the chance to clean up the driver, and review the protection handling in the non working games there. I managed to promoto the alternate world version of Dragon World along with its Hong Kong and Chinese variants (Zhong Guo Long) to a working status. The issues still open in this driver are now some lingering palette problems and, of course, proper emulation of the IGS0011 and IGS0012 ASIC's.
- 0.126: Added clone Zhong Guo Long (China, V0303).
- 24th September 2007: Mr. Do - Some more instruction cards courtesy of Tormod: Dragon World.
- 25th July 2007: f205v dumped Zhong Guo Long (China, V0303). The PCB is perfectly working, empty spaces and empty sockets are clearly intended to be empty.
- 0.104u3: Removed gfx1 rom ($400000). Fixed rom names.
- 0.103u4: Changed 'Dragon World (World, V0300)' from a parent set to a clone of 'Dragon World (World, V0400)'.
- 0.103u3: f205v added Dragon World (World, V0300).
- 17th January 2006: f205v dumped Dragon World (World, V0300).
- 0.102u1: Luca Elia added Dragon World (World, V0400). Changed 'Chuugokuryuu (Japan, V021J)' from a parent set to clone 'Zhong Guo Long (Japan, V021J)' and clone 'Chuugokuryuu (Japan, V020J)' to 'Zhong Guo Long (Japan, V020J)'. Fixed dipswitches and added dipswtch 'Bang Turtle?'.
- 0.99u7: Luca Elia fixed the blitter based IGS games - Game now playable. Changed description to 'Chuugokuryuu (Japan, V021J)' and clone '(Japan)' to '(Japan, V020J)'. Changed 68000 CPU1 clock speed to 7.333333 MHz and visible area to 512x240. Added OKI6295 (7936 Hz) and YM3812 (3579545) sound. Added dipswitches 'Coinage', 'Difficulty', 'Background', 'Demo Sounds', 'Tiles', 'Send Boom?', 'Service Mode?', 'Unused' and 6x 'Unknown'.
- 3rd September 2005: Luca Elia - Graphics have improved in clone Chuugokuryuu (1995). Credits goes to Olivier Galibert for decrypting the games in the first place.
- 0.84u5: David Haywood added clone Chuugokuryuu (Japan).
- 0.74u2: Added 'China Dragon / Dragon World' (IGS 1994).
- 0.68: Added China Dragon / Dragon World (Testdriver). Needs work on vidhrdw.
- 22nd August 2001: Guru - Dumped Dragon World (IGS 1995) arrived from a PCB Shop.

Romset: 4864 kb / 3 files / 1.36 zip
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