Do! Run Run (set 1)

Arcade 1984 Universal Maze
A superb final entry into the "Mr Do!" series (not counting the Neo Geo-based "Neo Mr. Do", which was merely a remake of the first game in the series), "Do! Run Run" takes its inspiration from Namco's "Pac-Man".

As in his previous games, Mr Do! must once again collect coloured dots and/or fruit while avoiding or killing a number of enemies. For the fourth Mr Do! outing, Universal ditched the sideways viewpoint of the series' previous games and switched to an overhead perspective. This allowed the game to give an impression of 'depth', with slopes and steps affecting Mr Do!'s mobility and speed.

Mr. Do. has two items at his disposal with which he can kill the his enemies. The first is the 'Powerball', which featured in the original 'Mr. Do!' but was dropped from the first two sequels. The Powerball can be shot directly at an enemy to kill it instantly.

The second offensive option is provided in the form of the large wooden logs that litter the levels. These work in the same way as the apples did in the original game, and can be pushed free of their supporting struts, causing them to roll down the screen and kill everything in their path, including Mr. Do. himself if he strays too near.

As Mr Do! moves around a screen, he trails a line behind him. Players can join the two ends of the line up to form a rectangle (in a similar fashion to Taito's 1981 classic, "Qix") which will change any dots within the rectangle into cherries. A second rectangle can be drawn around the cherries which in turn will change them into apples. This can be repeated twice more, changing apples into lemons, and lemons into pineapples. The better the fruit, the more bonus points Mr Do! will earn when he collects them.
Do! Run Run (set 1)

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  • maincpu Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • slave Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • cpu3 Z80 (@ 4 Mhz)
  • SN76489A (@ 4 Mhz)
  • SN76489A (@ 4 Mhz)
  • SN76489A (@ 4 Mhz)
  • SN76489A (@ 4 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 240 x 192
  • Frequency 59.6 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 2
  • Kind of controler joy (4 ways)

Do! Run Run (set 1) Screenshots

Do! Run Run (set 1) - Screen 1
Do! Run Run (set 1) - Screen 2
Do! Run Run (set 1) - Screen 3
Do! Run Run (set 1) - Screen 4
Do! Run Run (set 1) - Screen 5

Clones of Do! Run Run (set 1)

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Scoring for Do! Run Run (set 1)

Eating a dot : 10 points.
Eating a cherry : 20 points.
Eating a cake : 40 points.
Eating a lemon : 80 points.
Eating a pineapple : 160 points.
Killing a monster/letter with the snowball : 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 or 3000 points depending on the number of bounces before the snowballs makes contact.
Killing a monster with a log : 1000 points.
Killing multiple monsters with a log : 1500 points for the second monster and an incremental 500 points for each monster thereafter (2000, 2500 etc.)
Killing 5 monsters at once : 10000 points.
Collecting the free credit diamond : 8000 points.

Tips on Do! Run Run (set 1)

* You can kill a baddie with your ball or by log-rolling him. Save the ball for emergencies and use the logs as much as possible.

* It takes 16 dots to regain your ball after you throw it.

* Each bounce of your ball against a wall increases the points you can get if it hits a baddie, up to 3000 pts max. Somewhere on every board, is hidden a 'letter', that when surrounded by your path, will bring out the 'E-X-T-R-A' guy if you step on it. It changes as time passes so use this to get the letters you need to come out so you can spell extra as fast as possible.

* The extra guy will also come out if you kill or log-roll enough baddies. If you use the hidden letter and a log, you should be able to get 2 EXTRA letters per level. This will earn you more free Mr. Do!s as fast as possible because the higher levels will get tough.

* Stepping on an EXTRA letter will not only bring out the EXTRA guy and his entourage, but the baddies on the level will slow down to half speed. This makes it easy to avoid them while you lure the EXTRA and his ghosts under a log.

* Use the logs as much as possible. They kill the most guys with a single log to get the most points. If you can lure 3 or 4 baddies into the path of a log, they will not move out of the way once the log is pushed and you kill them easily. Walking under a log knocks out the post holding them up so get out of the way if you do that. You do not have to push the log from above to get it moving.

* A log will also roll if it is hit by a flaming/flying snake/dragon. Be aware of this so you don't get crushed!

* A level ends once you get all the baddies (or get all the dots). Use this to your advantage. If a log is going to run over the last baddie, let it run into you too. If all the baddies are in line with a log, you can start it rolling, let it roll you and then the baddies will freeze in place for the log to roll them too. Your life will be restored at the end of the level if you get all the baddies!

* Mr. Do! slows down going up a step and speeds up when going down them. Use this to your advantage if you are being chased. The baddies don't speed up going downhill so you have the advantage.

* Don't waste your time gathering dots or surrounding them to get pineapples. There are more points in log-rolling and multi-bounce hits of your ball. Collect dots only to restore your ball or expose the EXTRA letter. You should be able to get about 20000 points per level using the above techniques.

* Try to make concentric circle patterns from the outermost edge in, 'eating' the outermost cherries, dots or whatever each time. This will allow you to get a ton of pineapples, which score the most, and will get you a good score in early stages before it gets difficult.

Do! Run Run (set 1) and M.A.M.E.

0.26 [Mirko Buffoni, Nicola Salmoria, Gary Walton]

- Press P1 Start + Reset for Test-Mode

- dorunrun, dorunrun2, dorunrunc, dorunrunca, spiero: Game starts with 5 lives regardless of dip settings. Machone (ID 01704)
- dorunrun2: Side-by-side test. Gary Walton (ID 01021)

- 0.138u2: Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 4MHz.
- 0.136u4: Lord Nightmare, Michael Zapf and PlgDavid fixed TI PSG (SN76489 and friends) noise and square-wave period to be maximum length when period register is set to 0. Fixed white-noise phase/XOR issue: Got rid of noise XOR/XNOR select, as all chips seem to use XOR. Minor fix to SN76489: SN76489 wasn't using the correct noise taps (now matches SN94624, still need to test a real chip). Removed a piece of useless code, and fixed a comment [Lord Nightmare].
- 0.136u2: Corrado Tomaselli changed Do! Run Run to use the 76489A variant (verified on PCB).
- 0.136u1: Lord Nightmare, Kold666 and PlgDavid fixed period for both SN76489 and SN76489A periodic noise; fixes pitch in 'smooth criminal' demo for colecovision and fixes pitch (but not the waveform, which will require more work) of music in Do! Run Run. More work is required before the code will be bit accurate due to the way the real LFSR and periodic generator work.
- 0.133u1: Renamed (dorunru2) to (dorunrun2), (dorunruc) to (dorunrunc) and (dorunrca) to (dorunrunca).
- 0.129: MooglyGuy added savestate support to Do! Run Run and clones.
- 0.126u4: Fabio Priuli added DIP locations to Do! Run Run.
- 0.124u2: Changed Z80 CPU1 clock speed to 3980000 MHz.
- 0.115u4: Replaced SN76496 sound with SN76489.
- 0.104u8: David Haywood added clone Do! Run Run (Do's Castle hardware, set 2). Changed description of clone 'Do! Run Run (Do's Castle hardware)' to 'Do! Run Run (Do's Castle hardware, set 1)'.
- 0.99u5: Corrado Tomaselli removed GAME_NO_COCKTAIL flag in Do! Run Run and clones.
- 0.79u1: Fixed dipswitches.
- 5th November 2003: Chris Hardy added an English version of Super Pierrot to the Mr. Do's Castle driver.
- 0.71u2: Added 2nd button and removed 3rd coin slot.
- 0.56: Added 3rd Z80 (4MhZ) CPU (function not clear) and cpu3 rom.
- 10th February 2001: David Haywood added another Mr. Do! Run Run romset to the Mr Do's Castle driver.
- 0.35b13: Changed parent and clone descriptions to 'Do! Run Run'.
- 0.35b11: Marco Cassili added clone 'Mr. Do! Run Run (set 2)'. Nicola Salmoria added clone 'Mr. Do! Run Run (Do's Castle hardware)'. Changed parent description to 'Mr. Do! Run Run (set 1)'.
- 9th April 1999: Marco Cassili added an Eagle clone, a Zaxxon clone and a Mr. Do! Run Run clone.
- 0.34b8: Jim Hernandez fixed bass track in Do Run Run.
- 0.34b5: Changed description of clone 'Super Piero (Japan)' to 'Super Pierrot (Japan)'.
- 0.34b1: Added color prom.
- 0.33b7: Changed description of clone 'Super Piero (Japanese Do! Run Run)' to 'Super Piero (Japan)'.
- 0.30: Mirko Buffoni added clone Super Piero (Japanese Do! Run Run) - a follow-up with improved graphics. Tatsuyuki Satoh and Nicola Salmoria cleaned up the SN76496 emulation, now it is similar to the 8910 one and all games use Tatsuyuki's code. This affects several games, most notably the Mr. Do! series.
- 0.27: Nicola Salmoria increased the maximum number of digital audio channels from 8 to 16, so there are no more missing voices in Mr Do! RunRun and clone.
- 0.26: Support for Mr Do! RunRun (Universal 1984). I'm proud to announce I've beated Mr Do's Castle [Mirko Buffoni]. Done one, done all. So now we have also Mr Do! RunRun and Mr Do! Wild Ride. Thanks to the invaluable help of Nicola, they are also arcade colors perfect, very fast (!) and each game has audio support and high score saving saving! Control: Arrows = Move around and CTRL = Fire.

Romset: 97 kb / 12 files / 43.3 zip
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