Knights of the Round (Euro)

Super Nintendo 1994 Capcom
Knights of the Round (Japanese: ナイツオブザラウンド) is an arcade game released by Capcom in 1991. A side-scrolling beat 'em up based loosely on the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, the game features a role-playing video game-like level advancement system, with fighters getting new weapons and armour as they advance through the game, however the player can not choose how to upgrade his/her character - the level up system is static. The previous year, Capcom had released Magic Sword, a side-scrolling fantasy fighting game, with some platforming elements.

The gameplay is very similar to other Capcom beat 'em ups, such as Final Fight, but perhaps closer to other Capcom titles such as King of Dragons due to the emphasis on armed combat and fantasy themes in the latter as opposed to hand-to-hand grappling combat in the former. There are seven stages, each with its own boss and a variety of generic enemies that try to stop the players' progress.

The fights rely strongly on blocking ability, which is triggered by pressing the attack button, then pressing the joystick away as the opponent strikes. If successful, the player gains a few seconds of invincibility with which to counter-attack. However, if no one strikes the player's character while holding the block, they will tire and drop their guard, making them vulnerable to attack. Blocking is vital in certain cases, since some bosses will be vulnerable only after their attack has been blocked by the player. As in most beat 'em ups, a desperation attack is performed by pressing both the attack and jump buttons simultaneously. This knocks out most enemies on the screen, but the player loses a little bit of health every time he uses it.

At various points in the game, the players get to ride a horse, where they can attack enemies on horseback. The horses can stomp on enemies by pressing the joystick two times forward. On occasion, bosses and certain enemy characters can ride horses as well.
Knights of the Round (Euro)

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Contents of the ROM :


  • maincpu 5A22 (@ 21 Mhz)
  • soundcpu SPC700 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • SNES Custom DSP (SPC700)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 240
  • Frequency 49.858937 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 6
  • Kind of controler
    1. joy (8 ways)
    2. joy (8 ways)
    3. joy (8 ways)
© Copyright author(s) of Wikipedia. This article is under CC-BY-SA

Knights of the Round (Euro) Screenshots

Knights of the Round (Euro) - Screen 1
Knights of the Round (Euro) - Screen 2
Knights of the Round (Euro) - Screen 3
Knights of the Round (Euro) - Screen 4
Knights of the Round (Euro) - Screen 5

Clones of Knights of the Round (Euro)


Arthur, who had been training himself to be a great knight, pulled out the sacred sword Excalibur from the rock. After pulling it out, Arthur realized his destiny was to become the first King of the Britons. Merlin then sends Arthur and his two closest companions, Lancelot and Perceval, to overthrow the evil king Garibaldi and to unite England.



  • Arthur, the main protagonist, is a well-balanced character, and is excellent for intermediate players, due to his slow powerful attack. His weapon is the sword Excalibur. He can perform a special attack, a powerful slashing blow, by pressing attack then holding the joystick toward the enemy's direction. Initially, Arthur wears chain mail and leather armor. Upon gaining levels, Excalibur becomes stronger, and he eventually gets more body armor (later in silver and gold colors). Arthur is also the most devastating character, when mounted on horseback.
  • Lancelot is a talented swordsman and has been traveling all over the world to find a worthy king he should serve. Lancelot is the fastest character but lacks in strength. Since the game favors maneuverability, he is very good for beginners. His special attack is the jumping kick, done by pressing attack then holding the joystick up. Lancelot's weapon of choice is a sabre. Lancelot starts out wearing a blue tabard with a yellow cross. In eventual level-ups, Lancelot gains plate armor and a broader sabre.
  • Perceval, a son of a blacksmith, is a strong warrior with a gentle heart. Unlike his sword-wielding friends Arthur and Lancelot, Perceval prefers to use a battle-axe. He has never been defeated thanks to his well-built body. Perceval is the strongest character but lacks in agility, making him good for intermediate to advanced players. He is the only character who can dash by tapping the joystick forward twice, cancelled into a "Giant Swing" by pressing the attack button while dashing. At first, Perceval has blond hair and light armor with green pants. In eventual level-ups, Perceval becomes bald with a beard, and gains heavier armor, though most of his chest is bare.


  • Scorn
  • Braford
  • Arlon
  • Phantom
  • Balbars
  • Muramasa
  • Garibaldi


The game was ported to the Super NES in 1994 and in Capcom Classics Collection: Reloaded for the PSP in 2006, as well as Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2 for PlayStation 2 and Xbox.
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