Cyber Tank (v1.4)

Arcade 1988 Coreland Shooter 3rd Person
The game can be played by 2 players at the same time, and the 2nd player can join the game during playing by the 1st player.

The 1st player uses the horizontal control and the 2nd player uses the gun unit to destroy the attacking enemies.
Cyber Tank (v1.4)

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  • maincpu 68000 (@ 10 Mhz)
  • slave 68000 (@ 10 Mhz)
  • audiocpu Z80 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Y8950 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Y8950 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 255 x 224
  • Frequency 60 Hz
  • Number of players 2
  • Number of buttons 2
  • Kind of controler
    1. paddle
    2. paddle
    3. paddle

Cyber Tank (v1.4) Screenshots

Cyber Tank (v1.4) - Screen 1
Cyber Tank (v1.4) - Screen 2
Cyber Tank (v1.4) - Screen 3
Cyber Tank (v1.4) - Screen 4
Cyber Tank (v1.4) - Screen 5

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Cyber Tank (v1.4) and M.A.M.E.

0.96u3 [Angelo Salese]

- 0.147: Cleanup driver [hap].
- 0.146u5: David Haywood, Angelo Salese and hap fixed Cyber Tank - Game now playable. Sprite disable is simply word 0 bit 3 [hap]. Changed Z80 CPU3 and the 2x Y8950 clock speeds to 3579545 Hz.
- 0.146u4: Fixed gameplay inputs in Cyber Tank. Fixed silly bug in drawgfx_transpen (even though colors are still quite incorrect). Cleaned up I/Os [Angelo Salese]. Hooked up tilemaps as tilemaps, with scrolling. Hooked up palette select on road drawing (road now appears to 'move'). Did some priority related bits, which may or may not be correct. More work with graphics. Done some more work on the sprites. Hopefully most are positioned a bit better now. Still can't see how they get disabled tho, nor do I understand the rouge lines on top of some of them. It either needs perfect precision or they're some kind of markers like sega used. Lots of bits set in the spriteram we don't use too. Some updated notes [David Haywood]. Changed description to 'Cyber Tank (v1.4)'. Replaced Mouse control with Stick. Removed 3rd button. Added region user4.
- 0.143u3: Brian Troha added Cyber Tank dipswitches as per "Super" on MW forum & linked Manual. Added dipswitches 'Allow Continue', 'Demo Sounds', 'Difficulty', 'Coin B Value', 'Service Mode', '2 Credits to Start' and 'Coin A/B'.
- 0.141: David Haywood implemented preliminary road emulation in Cyber Tank. General stability issues with 64-bit builds fixed for Cyber Tank driver [David Haywood]. Fixed region road_data order. Added dual screen (2x 256x224).
- 0.136u2: Antonio Gonzalez Jr. and Dumping Union redumped sound roms in Cyber Tank. Angelo Salese fixed sprite height, implemented flip x and negative y offsets and preliminary zooming.
- 17th January 2010: Angelo Salese - Worked on improving Cyber Tank graphics, thanks to the re-dump that was done recently. Current main blocker is the non-tile based sprite emulation, it's pretty complex with its odd decoding and zooming. Zooming looks like to be a single 8-bit port, i.e. it doesn't seem to have indiviudual zoomx/zoomy factors. Now I need to understand how the road emulation works, the color "banking" / scrolling for the tilemaps, why some sprites gets stuck on screen / why some sprites are offset and inputs.
- 0.136u1: Antonio Gonzalez Jr. redumped Cyber Tank program and sprite roms. Cyber Tank improvements [Angelo Salese]: Fixed bitplane order. Decoded sprite gfx format. Hooked up the two bg tilemaps. Wrote bare-bones video emulation for the Cyber Tank sprite chip / blitter. Added video boundary checks for the blitter. Changed visible area to 512x256.
- 12th January 2010: Smitdogg - Antonio Gonzalez, Jr., an ex-Romstar employee, has started dumping his insanely rare Cyber Tank PCB set! The current dump as many of you know has some bad dumps. It turns out this set he is dumping is the same revision as the one in MAME so the dump is being corrected and should turn out to finally get properly emulated now (or at least it's possible now). This game was never released outside of Japan as far as I know and all the boards left there now are being hoarded by collectors. At one point there was one US prototype version, but it is most likely lost forever now. He says they did a location test but it failed because of the crazy difficulty level.
- 0.113u3: Updates to the Cybertank driver [PS]: Inter CPU communications. Inputs (almost complete). Sound. Program ROMs marked as bad dumps. Unmapped reads. Changed input to 2 Players with 3x buttons. Added 'Test' dipswitch.
- 0.96u3: Angelo Salese added Cyber Tank (v1.04) (Coreland 1990).
- 16th November 2003: Angelo Salese - Notice that I'm using fake gfx roms for Cyber Tank (Coreland 1988) because the ones used by this game are either encrypted or uses an abnormal gfx decode method on which I didn't figured it out yet. I don't think it will be finished soon either as this hardware looks hard as hell, it uses 2 M68000 as main cpus, 1x Z80 as sound, 2x Y8950 and a *shitload* of roms, fifty to be exact! Current implemention has only one M68k and the Z80 memory map hooked up, hence the big amount of test fails in the screen-shot. The current main problem is that I can't get a proper master-slave CPU communication (hence the various bad msg on the snapshot).

Other Emulators:
* FB Alpha

Romset: 4193 kb / 51 files / 1.41 zip
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