
Arcade 1979 Exidy Maze Driving
Crash is a 2-D maze racing game. You control your car through the maze to pick up the dots while at the same time avoiding the car, or cars, that are constantly trying to ram you. Successfully get through one maze and many more await you. This is good practice for freeway driving in the big city.

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  • maincpu M6502 (@ 0 Mhz)
  • Orientation Yoko
  • Resolution 248 x 255
  • Frequency 57 Hz
  • Number of players 1
  • Number of buttons 1
  • Kind of controler joy (4 ways)

Crash Screenshots

Crash - Screen 1
Crash - Screen 2
Crash - Screen 3
Crash - Screen 4
Crash - Screen 5

Clones of Crash

Scoring for Crash

Dots : 10 pts X number of cars on field.

Tips on Crash

* Always be aware of where the Jam Car(s) is/are located. They can make up to two lane changes at a time, and that lane change may be into your lane.

* The faster you go, the fewer lanes you can cross. At full acceleration, you will only be able to change one lane at a time. Decelerate (take your finger off the accelerate button) to go across multiple lanes.

* The Jam Car(s) always travel in a clockwise motion while you travel in a counterclockwise motion. Remember that so that you don't get confused when there are multiple cars in the maze.

* Don't try to get all the dots on one of the lanes. You need to anticipate where your next move is well before you enter the lane change area since you cannot change lanes at any other time. Sometimes, on the earlier levels, it is best to do a staggered type dot pickup where you do lane one, change to lane two, to lane three, lane four, lane five, then back to lane one. If you time it right, the Jam Car or Cars will still be in the maze.

* Don't let the speed of the Jam Car(s) throw you. Just plan to be out of your lane and in the lane change area before them. If both cars enter at the same time, you run a big risk of a collision.

Crash and M.A.M.E.

0.31 [Mike Coates]

Artwork available (smash)
Samples required

- The original ROM images for Crash (c) 1979 Exidy have been made available for free, non-commercial use. Authorization from H.R. Kaufmann, president of Xidy.

- 0.141u3: Added 2x 'Unknown' dipswitch.
- 2nd August 2010: Mr. Do - TrevEB had sent me a scan of the bezel for Smash (Crash clone). This is now complete.
- 0.136u4: Trevor Brown added clone Smash (Crash bootleg).
- 17th January 2010: Smitdogg - Smash was rescued from a shed somewhere in Idaho. The PCB is Exidy's Circus and the Circus roms were still stored inside. Soldered to the board was what must have been an upgrade kit. The only noticeable difference is the "Exidy" name has been deleted from the start screen. Artwork has been scanned as well.
- 0.129: MooglyGuy added savestate support to Crash.
- 0.111u5: Mr. Do added built-in overlay layout for Crash.
- 0.94u2: Derrick Renaud added sample support to Crash. Samples not currently recorded. Added discrete simulation for beeper. Also fixed crash in Crash. Replaced DAC sound with Samples (crash.wav) and Discrete.
- 0.36b4: Changed VSync to 57Hz.
- 0.35b6: Changed palettesize from 6 to 2 colors.
- 0.31: Mike Coates added Crash (Exidy 1979).

Romset: 7 kb / 13 files / 5.61 zip
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