Colony 7 (set 2)

Arcade 1981 Taito Shooter Command
Defend Colony 7 from alien attack by using two ion-cannons that fire an exploding shot which knocks out targets near its detonation zone, an eradicator rocket that acts as a 'Smartbomb' which clears the entire screen, and an ion shield which provides temporary safety (blasted away by alien fire).
Colony 7 (set 2)

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  • maincpu M6809 (@ 1 Mhz)
  • soundcpu M6808 (@ 3 Mhz)
  • DAC
  • Orientation Tate
  • Resolution 255 x 238
  • Frequency 60.096154 Hz
  • Number of players 1
  • Number of buttons 3
  • Kind of controler joy (8 ways)

Colony 7 (set 2) Screenshots

Colony 7 (set 2) - Screen 1
Colony 7 (set 2) - Screen 2
Colony 7 (set 2) - Screen 3
Colony 7 (set 2) - Screen 4
Colony 7 (set 2) - Screen 5

Clones of Colony 7 (set 2)

Scoring for Colony 7 (set 2)

Fighter : 25-250 points
Scout : 100 points
Bummer : 100-1000 points
Advisor : 500-5000 points

Tips on Colony 7 (set 2)

* The Megablaster destroys enemies in a wide area. It consumes powercells. Used powercells turn blue. Enemies can destroy powercells.

* The Eradicator destroys all enemies and bombs on screen.

* Scouts call in more fighters until they are destroyed.

* Bonus points are given for buildings left when the last enemy in each squadron is destroyed.

Colony 7 (set 2) and M.A.M.E.

0.30 [Mike Balfour]

- 0.107u2: Removed 2nd coin slot.
- 0.95u3: Changed visible area to 239x294.
- 0.92: Highwayman added proms ($0, 200 - video inversion for cocktail table).
- 0.84u6: Aaron Giles fixed Colony 7 dipswitches. Added dipswitches 'Lives', 'Bonus At' and 2x 'Unknown'.
- 0.33b7: Changed description to 'Colony 7 (set 1)' and clone to '(set 2)'.
- 0.30: Mike Balfour added Colony 7 (Taito 1981) and clone (Alternate). Colony 7 is *extremely* similar to Defender in hardware.
- 17th November 1997: Dumped Colony 7 (set 2).

- Defend Colony 7 from enemies. Your arsenal consists of: * MAIN WEAPONRY triggered by fire button to explode at crosshair. Aim with joystick. * MEGABLASTER wide coverage weapon powered by pulsating fuel cells in the colony. Used fuel cells turn blue. Enemy fire may destroy cells. * The ERADICATOR destroys all enemies and bombs on the screen. It waits on the pad until launched.
- Enemy spacecraft attack in squadrons of 30 fighters. Scouts call more fighters until they are destroyed.
- Bonus points are awareded for buildings still in the colony when the last ship in each squadron is destroyed.
- A turn ends when both of the cannons are blown up or all of the colony is destroyed by the enemies.

Romset: 25 kb / 11 files / 14.8 zip
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